English siblings named Peppermint, Frodo, Blackbird, Voorhees…

Sara Foss of Derby, England, has 13 children. Their names are:

  1. Patrick, 23
  2. Stephen, 13
  3. Malachai, 12
  4. Peppermint, 11
  5. Echo, 10
  6. Eli, 9
  7. Rogue, 8
  8. Frodo, 7
  9. Morpheus, 5
  10. Artemis, 4
  11. Blackbird, 3
  12. Baudelaire, 2
  13. Voorhees, 9 months

My first thought was: A mom of 13 has time to read Baudelaire? (And, if so, she really thought naming a child after him was an appropriate thing to do?)

But it seems like Sara is more the movie type. Rogue, Frodo, Morpheus and Voorhees’s names look like they come from X-Men (2000), The Fellowship of the Ring (2001), The Matrix Reloaded (2003) and Friday the 13th (2009). Perhaps Baudelaire’s name came from Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events (2004)? The dates don’t quite match up, but that’s all I can think of.

And now, two questions for you: Sara’s having baby #14 in April. What do you think the name will be? She’s also eager to have twins one day. If she ever does, what should their names be?

Source: Mum of 13: I won’t stop until I’ve had twins

6 thoughts on “English siblings named Peppermint, Frodo, Blackbird, Voorhees…

  1. Hi Nancy,

    I just discovered your blog. Very interesting posts! Keep it up!

    Wow that list is full of quite uncommon names. It’s like she went into a unique name phase after the second child!

    OT: What do you think of the name Deanna? It’s on my list of potential baby names. =)


  2. Most of the middle names are easily accessed by anyone using ancestry.uk. All public records.

    Stephen Howard L.
    Malachai Isaac
    Peppermint Aries
    Echo Xavier
    Rogue Aqua
    Frodo Jesus S.
    Morpheus Oracle M.
    Artemis Lemony M.
    Blackbird Winterberry
    Voorhees Halloween

    I’d love to know all the middle names!

  3. Daniela, I know someone with the name Deanna. She loves it and I love it. I think it should be a big consideration.

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