Baby name story: Secondino

Italian author/politician Ignazio Silone (1900-1978)
Ignazio Silone

Italian writer and political leader Ignazio Silone (1900-78), who was nominated for the Nobel prize for literature multiple times, wasn’t really named “Ignazio Silone.” He was born Secondino Tranquilli.

How did he get the first name Secondino?

Silone’s father, presenting himself at the town hall a day after his son’s birth, wished to enter the patriotic names of Mameli or Cairoli as Silone’s given name but the mayor objected: They were not recognized Christian names. Exasperated, Paolo Tranquilli replied that they should give the infant the acceptable name of the mayor, Severino, but the town secretary, present in his official capacity, offered his own, Secondino, and so Silone was burdened with a name that roughly translates in the local dialect as “jailer.”

“Mameli” and “Cairoli” refer to Goffredo Mameli and Benedetto Cairoli, respectively.

The name Secondino can also refer to any of several Catholic saints, or simply be used for second-born children.


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