How popular is the baby name Aeon in the United States right now? How popular was it historically? Use the popularity graph and data table below to find out! Plus, see all the blog posts that mention the name Aeon.

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Popularity of the baby name Aeon

Posts that mention the name Aeon

Where did the baby name Aeon come from in 1995?

Aeon Flux

I’m on a cartoon kick now. I’ve only posted about Pebbles and Cheetara so far, but there are many other cartoon-inspired baby names out there.

Including Aeon.

The name Aeon (pronounced EE-on) was invented for the character Æon Flux, who was first featured on MTV’s Liquid Television in 1991. Æon Flux became a standalone show in 1995. That’s when we first start seeing the name pop up in the U.S. baby name data:

  • 2000: unlisted
  • 1999: 6 baby girls named Aeon
  • 1998: unlisted
  • 1997: 5 baby boys named Aeon
  • 1996: 7 baby girls named Aeon
  • 1995: 6 baby boys named Aeon [debut]
  • 1994: unlisted

Notice that both boys and girls were named Aeon. Interesting, isn’t it? The reason may be that the character, while female, wasn’t exactly feminine. She was an assassin who “dressed like a dominatrix” and “always managed to rack up an astonishingly high body count,” according to MTV’s description of the series. The show itself was dark, gritty, violent, sexual…definitely not something you’d see in the Saturday morning line-up.

The name Aeon didn’t emerge in the data again until 2006, following the late 2005 release of the not-very-well-received live-action Æon Flux movie, which starred Charlize Theron.

  • 2009: 7 baby girls named Aeon
  • 2008: 6 baby girls & 8 baby boys named Aeon
  • 2007: 5 baby boys named Aeon
  • 2006: 11 baby girls & 6 baby boys named Aeon
  • 2005: unlisted

Do you think we’ll see more baby Aeons on the 2010 list?

Source: SSA