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Popular baby names in Israel, 2020

Flag of Israel
Flag of Israel

According to Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), the most popular baby names in the country in 2020 were Maya and Mohammed.

The top baby names within each of Israel’s main religious groups were…

In Israel…Top girl nameTop boy name
Jewish population (74.2%)TamarDavid
Muslim population (17.8%)MaryamMohammed
Christian population (2.0%)LinCharbel
Druze population (1.6%)MilaAdam

Among the Jews in Israel…

  • The top 10 girl names were Tamar, Maya, Abigail, Noa, Sarah, Ayalah, Adele, Yael, Shira, and Esther.
  • The top 10 boy names were David, Lavi, Ariel, Yosef, Noam, Uri, Refael, Ari, Moshe, and Yehuda.
  • Less popular girl names included “Ahava (Love), Alta, Herut (Liberty), Ya’ar (Forest), Alexandra, Dorin, Ortal, Pessele, Kayla, Ruthi, Shalhevet and Tamari.”
  • Less popular boy names included “Avi, Yigal, Yaron, Yaniv, Eran, and Ram, with the most unusual ones being Lear, Shayel, Luka, Don and Tay.”
  • “Among Ethiopian Jewish boys, the most popular names were Refael, Emmanuel and Noam.”

Among the Muslims in Israel…

  • The top 10 girl names were Maryam, Sham, Lin, Malek, Jori, Lian, Mila, Aline, Nur, and Marya.
  • The top 10 boy names were Mohammed, Ahmad, Adam, Yusef, Omer, Ali, Abd, Amir, Ibrahim, and Mahmoud.

Among the Christians in Israel…

  • The top girl names were Lin, Maria, Sama, Celine, and Leah.
  • The top boy names were Charbel, Jude, Niel, Elias, Liam, and George.

Among the Druze in Israel…

  • The top girl names were Mila, Ayalah, Lur, Lin, and Yasmin.
  • The top boy names were Adam, Taim, Niel, Amir, and Jude.

The last set of rankings I posted for Israel were the 2015 rankings.

Sources: Most popular baby names of 2020: Mohammed, David, Tamar and Maryam, Muhammad and Maya top list of Israeli newborn’s names in 2020, Muhammad and Maya were Israel’s most popular baby names in 2020, Religion in Israel – Wikipedia

Image: Adapted from Flag of Israel (public domain)

Palindromic name-pairs: Allen/Nella, Iris/Siri, Leon/Noel

duck and reflection

Looking for a pair of baby names that are mirror images of one another? If so, check out this long list of palindromic name pairings.

What’s a palindrome? It’s a word or phrase that can be read the same way in either direction, i.e., both forwards and backwards. For instance, the words “level,” “refer” and “pop” are all palindromes.

Each of the hundreds of pairings below features two names that contain the same sequence of letters, just written in opposite directions. (Nearly all of these names were collected from the SSA’s huge database of U.S. baby names.)

Palindrome name-pairs

  • Aaila & Aliaa
  • Aala & Alaa
  • Aalya & Aylaa
  • Aari & Iraa
  • Aaron & Noraa
  • Aava & Avaa
  • Aayah & Hayaa
  • Aayla & Alyaa
  • Abeera & Areeba
  • Abel & Leba
  • Abem & Meba
  • Abira & Ariba
  • Acire & Erica
  • Adama & Amada
  • Adel & Leda
  • Aden & Neda
  • Adi & Ida
  • Adia & Aida
  • Adila & Alida
  • Ador & Roda
  • Adya & Ayda
  • Aela & Alea
  • Aeva & Avea
  • Afra & Arfa
  • Ahri & Irha
  • Aiana & Anaia
  • Aidah & Hadia
  • Aidan & Nadia
  • Aidyn & Nydia
  • Aila & Alia
  • Ailah & Halia
  • Ailana & Analia
  • Ailed & Delia
  • Aileen & Neelia
  • Ailen & Nelia
  • Aili & Ilia
  • Ailyn & Nylia
  • Aima & Amia
  • Aimar & Ramia
  • Aina & Ania
  • Aira & Aria
  • Airam & Maria
  • Airi & Iria
  • Airys & Syria
  • Aisa & Asia
  • Aiva & Avia
  • Aiyla & Alyia
  • Aiza & Azia
  • Ajna & Anja
  • Akila & Alika
  • Akim & Mika
  • Akina & Anika
  • Akira & Arika
  • Akire & Erika
  • Alan & Nala
  • Alana & Anala
  • Alaya & Ayala
  • Aleciram & Maricela
  • Aleema & Ameela
  • Aleen & Neela
  • Alegna & Angela
  • Aleina & Aniela
  • Alena & Anela
  • Alex & Xela
  • Aleya & Ayela
  • Aleyna & Anyela
  • Ali & Ila
  • Aliana & Anaila
  • Alim & Mila
  • Alima & Amila
  • Alin & Nila
  • Alina & Anila
  • Alis & Sila
  • Alix & Xila
  • Aliz & Zila
  • Allan & Nalla
  • Allen & Nella
  • Allena & Anella
  • Alli & Illa
  • Alma & Amla
  • Alona & Anola
  • Alya & Ayla
  • Alyah & Hayla
  • Alyana & Anayla
  • Alyna & Anyla
  • Alyne & Enyla
  • Alyn & Nyla
  • Alys & Syla
  • Alyx & Xyla
  • Alyza & Azyla
  • Amal & Lama
  • Amar & Rama
  • Ame & Ema
  • Ameelah & Haleema
  • Amel & Lema
  • Amen & Nema
  • Amil & Lima
  • Amilah & Halima
  • Amin & Nima
  • Amir & Rima
  • Amor & Roma
  • Amos & Soma
  • Amri & Irma
  • Anaaya & Ayaana
  • Anael & Leana
  • Anaeli & Ileana
  • Anaelle & Elleana
  • Anab & Bana
  • Anah & Hana
  • Anahi & Ihana
  • Anahis & Sihana
  • Anai & Iana
  • Anaid & Diana
  • Anaira & Ariana
  • Anais & Siana
  • Anaisa & Asiana
  • Anaiya & Ayiana
  • Anaiz & Ziana
  • Anali & Ilana
  • Analya & Aylana
  • Anam & Mana
  • Anan & Nana
  • Anar & Rana
  • Anavi & Ivana
  • Anavrin & Nirvana
  • Anaya & Ayana
  • Anayat & Tayana
  • Anayra & Aryana
  • Ande & Edna
  • Anel & Lena
  • Aneli & Ilena
  • Anelle & Ellena
  • Aneri & Irena
  • Anes & Sena
  • Angel & Legna
  • Ani & Ina
  • Anilah & Halina
  • Anime & Emina
  • Anira & Arina
  • Anis & Sina
  • Anisah & Hasina
  • Annaelle & Elleanna
  • Annah & Hanna
  • Annais & Sianna
  • Anne & Enna
  • Annel & Lenna
  • Anni & Inna
  • Anova & Avona
  • Anu & Una
  • Anum & Muna
  • Anya & Ayna
  • Arale & Elara
  • Arami & Imara
  • Aramis & Simara
  • Aranya & Aynara
  • Aras & Sara
  • Arav & Vara
  • Araya & Ayara
  • Areen & Neera
  • Aren & Nera
  • Ares & Sera
  • Arev & Vera
  • Ari & Ira
  • Arial & Laira
  • Ariam & Maira
  • Arian & Naira
  • Ariday & Yadira
  • Arie & Eira
  • Ariel & Leira
  • Arik & Kira
  • Arin & Nira
  • Aris & Sira
  • Ariv & Vira
  • Ariya & Ayira
  • Ariza & Azira
  • Aron & Nora
  • Arya & Ayra
  • Aryam & Mayra
  • Aryan & Nayra
  • Aryn & Nyra
  • Arys & Syra
  • Ase & Esa
  • Aseret & Teresa
  • Aset & Tesa
  • Asli & Ilsa
  • Aslin & Nilsa
  • Asya & Aysa
  • Avah & Hava
  • Ave & Eva
  • Aven & Neva
  • Avey & Yeva
  • Avi & Iva
  • Aviv & Viva
  • Avon & Nova
  • Avram & Marva
  • Avy & Yva
  • Avya & Ayva
  • Axel & Lexa
  • Ayaan & Naaya
  • Ayah & Haya
  • Ayame & Emaya
  • Ayan & Naya
  • Ayanah & Hanaya
  • Ayani & Inaya
  • Ayanni & Innaya
  • Ayat & Taya
  • Ayaz & Zaya
  • Aydah & Hadya
  • Aydan & Nadya
  • Ayen & Neya
  • Aylen & Nelya
  • Ayme & Emya
  • Ayo & Oya
  • Ayza & Azya
  • Azar & Raza
  • Biel & Leib
  • Cam & Mac
  • Caz & Zac
  • Dair & Riad
  • Dame & Emad
  • Denisse & Essined
  • Dev & Ved
  • Dez & Zed
  • Diar & Raid
  • Divan & Navid
  • Eavan & Navae
  • Eilah & Halie
  • Eilyn & Nylie
  • Eivan & Navie
  • Ekin & Nike
  • Elbert & Treble
  • Eliah & Haile
  • Eliam & Maile
  • Elin & Nile
  • Ellah & Halle
  • Ellen & Nelle
  • Elyn & Nyle
  • Emit & Time
  • Eneri & Irene
  • Eon & Noe
  • Eric & Cire
  • Eriel & Leire
  • Erik & Kire
  • Eris & Sire
  • Eron & Nore
  • Eryk & Kyre
  • Etan & Nate
  • Esli & Ilse
  • Eziah & Haize
  • Flor & Rolf
  • Gem & Meg
  • Guy & Yug
  • Haelyn & Nyleah
  • Haeven & Neveah
  • Haevyn & Nyveah
  • Hailyn & Nyliah
  • Haiven & Neviah
  • Haizen & Neziah
  • Hakim & Mikah
  • Hali & Ilah
  • Halyn & Nylah
  • Haram & Marah
  • Hari & Irah
  • Hasset & Tessah
  • Haven & Nevah
  • Hayat & Tayah
  • Heaven & Nevaeh
  • Helen & Neleh
  • Heran & Nareh
  • Ian & Nai
  • Iman & Nami
  • Imar & Rami
  • Imer & Remi
  • Inez & Zeni
  • Inzo & Ozni
  • Irais & Siari
  • Iram & Mari
  • Iris & Siri
  • Isom & Mosi
  • Issam & Massi
  • Ivan & Navi
  • Ivar & Ravi
  • Ives & Sevi
  • Ivo & Ovi
  • Izak & Kazi
  • Jak & Kaj
  • James & Semaj
  • Jesus & Susej
  • Jet & Tej
  • Kam & Mak
  • Kavon & Novak
  • Kaz & Zak
  • Kedar & Radek
  • Keem & Meek
  • Kerem & Merek
  • Kevin & Nivek
  • Kiram & Marik
  • Kroy & York
  • Lain & Nial
  • Lam & Mal
  • Lamar & Ramal
  • Leam & Mael
  • Lean & Nael
  • Lemar & Ramel
  • Leon & Noel
  • Leor & Roel
  • Leroy & Yorel
  • Leunam & Manuel
  • Liav & Vail
  • Liban & Nabil
  • Lin & Nil
  • Linus & Sunil
  • Lukan & Nakul
  • Mairim & Miriam
  • Mar & Ram
  • Mihan & Nahim
  • Milas & Salim
  • Miles & Selim
  • Mizan & Nazim
  • Mohan & Nahom
  • Naeco & Ocean
  • Nahin & Nihan
  • Nahir & Rihan
  • Nahsir & Rishan
  • Nalin & Nilan
  • Nalo & Olan
  • Nas & San
  • Naveen & Neevan
  • Navin & Nivan
  • Navon & Novan
  • Navy & Yvan
  • Nay & Yan
  • Naz & Zan
  • Nazar & Razan
  • Nero & Oren
  • Nilo & Olin
  • Noir & Rion
  • Nomar & Ramon
  • Norris & Sirron
  • Nylo & Olyn
  • Omer & Remo
  • Ray & Yar
  • Vinay & Yaniv

It’s also possible to come up with your own palindromic pairs by flipping traditional names to create brand new names, just as Ramon and Helen were flipped to create the modern names Nomar and Neleh.

Which palindromic name-pair do you like best?

(And, did you know that individual names can be palindromes as well?)

Image: Adapted from Male northern pintail at Llano Seco by Frank Schulenburg under CC BY-SA 4.0.

[Latest update: Apr. 2023]

Numerology: Baby names with a value of 5

Baby names with a numerological value of 5

If you’re on the hunt for baby names with a numerological value of 5, you’re in luck! Because today’s post features hundreds of 5-names.

Before we get to the names, though — how do we know that they’re “fives” in numerology?

Turning names into numbers

Here’s how to calculate the numerological value of a name.

First, for each letter, come up with a number to represent that letter’s position in the alphabet. (Letter A would be number 1, letter B would be number 2, and so forth.) Then, add all the numbers together. If the sum has two or more digits, add the digits together recursively until the result is a single digit. That single digit is the name’s numerological value.

For instance, the letters in the name Peyton correspond to the numbers 16, 5, 25, 20, 15, and 14. The sum of these numbers is 95. The digits of 95 added together equal 14, and the digits of 14 added together equal 5 — the numerological value of Peyton.

Baby names with a value of 5

Below you’ll find the most popular 5-names per gender, according to the latest U.S. baby name data. I’ve further sub-categorized them by total sums — just in case any of those larger numbers are significant to anyone.

5 via 14

The letters in the following baby names add up to 14, which reduces to five (1+4=5).

Girl names (5 via 14)Boy names (5 via 14)
Ida, Adah, Caia, Dia, BeccaAhad, Adi, Dj, Kc, Jac

5 via 23

The letters in the following baby names add up to 23, which reduces to five (2+3=5).

Girl names (5 via 23)Boy names (5 via 23)
Mia, Alia, Aila, Adela, Cara, Addie, Laia, Edie, Jaci, AmiCaleb, Coda, Acen, Iam, Adem

5 via 32

The letters in the following baby names add up to 32, which reduces to five (3+2=5).

Girl names (5 via 32)Boy names (5 via 32)
Emma, Bella, Sage, Lena, Eve, Rhea, Lara, Veda, Giana, Avah, Amiah, Ciara, Danica, Adalie, Lane, Iva, Elif, Aadya, Alaiah, Gigi, Adelia, Aleida, Adaya, Avi, Hera, AileeLeo, Lane, Sage, Reed, Avi, Jakai, Dash, Leif, Aldo, Cecil, Neal, Eder, Nael, Elan, Caine, Dave, Ram, Caeden, Alen

5 via 41

The letters in the following baby names add up to 41, which reduces to five (4+1=5).

Girl names (5 via 41)Boy names (5 via 41)
Amelia, Abigail, Isla, Amaya, Evie, Adelaide, Dream, Saige, Mira, Anya, Indie, Naya, Jayda, Elina, Lisa, Aura, Elani, Laine, Mari, Reem, Irie, Eiza, Madden, Ailen, Yana, Lanie, Maelee, Khali, Zaida, Rahma, Irma, Joana, Lacy, Maleia, Dalani, LeighAmir, King, Nico, Elian, Alijah, Clay, Madden, Duke, Ayan, Kye, Elio, Jadiel, Kabir, Kanan, Kalel, Jabari, Slade, Rami, Arham, Dov, Zack, Makoa, Draco, Haiden, Khaled, Joao, Lex, Dream, Isaak, Jamel, Saige, Banx, Pax, Laine, Geno, Eider, Kasai, Sakai, Omega, Anay, Rick, Gauge, Kofi, Abdallah

5 via 50

The letters in the following baby names add up to 50, which reduces to five (5+0=5).

Girl names (5 via 50)Boy names (5 via 50)
Sofia, Adeline, Lyla, June, Elsie, Elise, Kayla, Haven, Mariah, Fatima, Malani, Lexi, Salem, Joy, Amirah, Eileen, Ezra, Elodie, Milana, Annika, Drew, Baylee, Amiri, Kallie, Rebekah, Inaya, Libby, Rubi, Aniya, Alisha, Kaycee, Emeri, Lucie, Adilene, Anayah, Avaya, Clarke, Kianna, Ally, Delanie, Ever, Aavya, Jireh, Misha, Janet, Iyana, Emrie, Malina, Sabine, America, Azalia, Merida, Jalaya, Myka, Raeya, Darby, Selma, Zoha, Eliani, Mahira, Auria, IlariaEzra, Colt, Paul, Brady, Marco, Frank, Amiri, Drew, Kasen, Zain, Anakin, Donald, Salem, Jakari, Landen, Jedidiah, Calum, Veer, Jireh, Laith, Izan, Keenan, Ever, Raheem, Demari, Derick, Haven, Ivar, Ravi, Mikel, Kent, Olin, Baron, Lars, Makaio, Ahmari, Kru, Arlen, Zian, Hiro, Davin, Eldon, Natan, Jhacari, June, Lino, Zaden, Roel, Darsh, Edrick, Kaycee, Deven, Iroh, Nilan, Imari, Kaimana, Lejend, Lion, Mycah

5 via 59

The letters in the following baby names add up to 59, which reduces to five (5+9=14; 1+4=5).

Girl names (5 via 59)Boy names (5 via 59)
Melanie, Kaylee, Brianna, Kendall, Briella, Makenna, Mylah, Renata, Bonnie, Janelle, Lillie, Rayna, Carly, Joelle, Laylah, Luz, Tru, Viola, Giulia, Kamora, Mariela, Ayesha, Kamilla, Laramie, Noella, Jayden, Milania, Kalayah, Leticia, Marlo, Mileena, Bryn, Darlene, Tianna, Akshara, Aminata, Caliyah, Joanne, Renlee, Tayla, Nihira, Haislee, Astra, Miliana, Junie, Zaniah, Anaiyah, MabryJayden, Jason, Ismael, Bowen, Zaiden, Zaire, Jonas, Mohamed, Rayan, Tru, Idris, Bjorn, Misael, Aryan, Kellen, Mccoy, Kaisen, Jaxx, Kendall, Zabdiel, Jahmir, Sekani, Kaycen, Brent, Ripp, Hansel, Fynn, Leander, Ragnar, Izhaan, Kyden, Marlo, Ramir, Paolo, Brandt, Tiger, Baylen, Niles, Oziah, Gareth, Qasim, Rook, Herman, Mazen, Blayne, Dontae, Mikko

5 via 68

The letters in the following baby names add up to 68, which reduces to five (6+8=14; 1+4=5).

Girl names (5 via 68)Boy names (5 via 68)
Olivia, Sophia, Valeria, Blakely, Morgan, Juliana, Cataleya, Izabella, Madeleine, Oakleigh, Ellianna, Skyla, Kamiyah, Denver, Teresa, Kaydence, Janiyah, Mattie, Nairobi, Harleigh, Braylee, Evelina, Marlene, Jenny, Stacy, Nelly, Kaelyn, Alaysia, Audrina, Dolly, Nour, Zamira, Samiya, Kyrie, Lavinia, Amour, Kaylen, Caitlin, Siobhan, Shayna, Makiyah, Gracyn, Imogene, Alyanna, Taylee, Keiry, Dhriti, Lyrica, Gladys, Kamdyn, Amity, Layken, SitaraBenjamin, Carlos, Brandon, Kyrie, Zander, Cruz, Eduardo, Ricardo, Killian, Denver, Lewis, Morgan, Mohammad, Gerardo, Trey, Tomas, Derrick, Wayne, Rudy, Jericho, Brennan, Gianluca, Kamdyn, Nazir, Eleazar, Zamari, Barron, Finneas, Mauro, Levon, Natanael, Aarush, Karsen, Gionni, Yasin, Bryer, Lloyd, Mordecai, Ervin, Usman, Ayansh, Valor, Shalom, Colsen, Hoyt, Shayan, Lemuel, Fischer, Yerik, Ziaire, Avett, Yanis, Mamadou, Riyaan, Zekiel, Arius, Zayaan, Jyaire, Kaydence, Kaylen, Helios, Bowman, Cassiel, Nicolo, Taron, Bradford

5 via 77

The letters in the following baby names add up to 77, which reduces to five (7+7=14; 1+4=5).

Girl names (5 via 77)Boy names (5 via 77)
Caroline, Vivian, Samantha, Molly, Harlow, Alyssa, Juliet, Kelsey, Coraline, Louisa, Braelyn, Patricia, Kyleigh, Ellery, Saniyah, Keilany, Georgiana, Ashton, Keylani, Glory, Skylee, Sunni, Lluvia, Mirabelle, Linley, Taelyn, Nayomi, Yeimy, Hazley, Tasneem, Lilibeth, Evette, Hayzel, Berkleigh, Ysabella, JaylanieJameson, Ashton, Ryker, Kenneth, Fernando, Kameron, Braylen, Scott, Marvin, Fletcher, Cayson, Merrick, Trent, Tzvi, Kolten, Harlow, Jenson, Giovani, Bernardo, Taylen, Jaylon, Mavrick, Corbyn, Domingo, Konner, Virgil, Brantlee, Kyrin, Syaire, Braelyn, Sheldon, Jayven, Kerry, Dewayne, Kylon, Kelton, Zavien, Marty

5 via 86

The letters in the following baby names add up to 86, which reduces to five (8+6=14; 1+4=5).

Girl names (5 via 86)Boy names (5 via 86)
Skylar, Jordyn, Mckenzie, Theodora, Hunter, Saoirse, Paisleigh, Ellison, Elouise, Alyson, Bryleigh, Yasmine, Hollyn, Izzy, Yarely, Julianne, Haizley, Kailynn, Prudence, Maryann, Lillyana, Dawsyn, Esmeray, DorotheaSantiago, Hunter, Arthur, Cyrus, Johnny, Rodrigo, Tommy, Kolson, Terry, Skylar, Jordyn, Westen, Ellison, Keylor, Estevan, Maynor, Patton, Jamarcus, Percival, Zachery, Zyler, Maxson, Sabastian, Johannes, Ronny, Alastor

5 via 95

The letters in the following baby names add up to 95, which reduces to five (9+5=14; 1+4=5).

Girl names (5 via 95)Boy names (5 via 95)
Kinsley, Peyton, Kimberly, Bristol, Promise, Rowyn, Joslyn, Empress, Estefany, Brynnlee, Yvonne, Blossom, Rosario, Everett, Souline, Annalynn, Brixley, RaylynEverett, Gregory, Peyton, Huxley, Wesson, Viktor, Hussein, Summit, Abdulrahman, Rowyn, Yousif, Sirius, Brayton, Johnson, Whitaker

5 via 104

The letters in the following baby names add up to 104, which reduces to five (1+0+4=5).

Girl names (5 via 104)Boy names (5 via 104)
Yaretzi, Tinsley, Rosalyn, Whitney, Sterling, Violetta, Emmylou, JesslynSterling, Truett, Marcellus, Quintin, Braxtyn, Michelangelo

5 via 113

The letters in the following baby names add up to 113, which reduces to five (1+1+3=5).

Girl names (5 via 113)Boy names (5 via 113)
Primrose, Brittney, Tziporah, Constanza, SumayyahSalvatore, Woodrow, Cristofer, Alexandros, Bryston

5 via 122

The letters in the following baby names add up to 122, which reduces to five (1+2+2=5).

Girl names (5 via 122)Boy names (5 via 122)
Roselynn, Scotlynn, Krislynn, Rosslyn, ZerenityRighteous, Stetsyn, Dimitrius, Chukwuemeka, Houstyn

5 via 131

The letters in the following baby names add up to 131, which reduces to five (1+3+1=5).

Girl names (5 via 131)Boy names (5 via 131)
Brookelynn, Monserrath, Brooklynne, Temiloluwa, ImisioluwaCristopher, Wellington, Roosevelt, Maximillion, Hutchinson

Number 5: Significance and associations

What does the number five mean in numerology?

There’s no definitive answer, unfortunately, because various numerological systems exist, and each one has its own interpretation of the number five. That said, if we look at a couple of modern numerology/astrology websites, we see 5 being described as “freedom-loving,” “dynamic,” “adaptable,” “curious,” and “unpredictable.”

We can also look at associations, which are a bit more concrete. Here are some things that are associated with the number 5:

  • Fingers
    • High-five (hand gesture)
  • Toes
  • Senses (sight, smell, touch, taste, hearing)
  • Tastes (sweet, salty, sour, bitter, umami)
  • Starfish (most starfish have 5 arms)
  • Basketball (5 players per side)
  • Olympic Games (symbolized by 5 interlocked rings)
  • Greek classical elements (water, earth, air, fire, aether)
    • Quintessence (refers to the fifth element, aether, which was a late addition to the list)
  • Chinese traditional elements (water, fire, earth, wood, metal)

What does the number 5 mean to you? What are your strongest associations with the number?

P.S. To see names with other numerological values, check out the posts for the numbers one, two, three, four, six, seven, eight, and nine.

Sources: SSA, Numerology – Cafe Astrology, The meaning of the numbers 1 – 9 – World Numerology, 5 – Wikipedia

[Latest update: Jan. 2024]

One-syllable boy names: Colt, Wynn, Dax, Zane

single tree

Looking for a boy name that’s short and to-the-point? Something that might work particularly well as a middle name?

Check out this list of several hundred one-syllable boy names:

  • Abe, Alf, Arch, Ace/Ayce, Ames, Ash/Ashe
  • Baine/Bane/Bayne, Banks/Banx, Bar, Barnes, Bash, Bates, Bay, Baz, Bear, Beau/Bo/Bow, Beck, Becks/Bex, Ben, Benz, Birch, Blade/Blayde, Blain/Blaine/Blayne/Blane, Blair/Blaire, Blaise/Blaze/Blayze/Blaize, Bless, Blessed, Blake/Blayke, Bliss, Blitz, Blue/Blu, Blythe, Bond, Boone, Booth, Boyce, Boyd, Brad, Bram, Brance, Brave, Brax, Bray, Breck, Breeze/Brees, Brent, Brett/Bret, Brex, Brick, Brix/Brixx, Brigg, Briggs, Bright, Brock/Broc, Bronx, Bronze, Brook, Brooks, Bruce, Bryce/Brice, Buck, Burk/Burke, Burl/Berl, Burns
  • Cade/Cayde, Cain/Caine, Cale, Camp, Carl, Carr, Case, Cash/Cache, Catch, Caz, Chad, Chance, Chap, Charles, Chase, Chaz, Chen, Chet, Chez, Chip, Chris, Church, Clark/Clarke, Clash, Claude, Claus, Clay, Clayt, Cliff, Clint, Clive, Cloud, Clutch, Clyde, Coast, Cole, Colt, Cord, Court, Cove, Craig, Crane, Cree, Creed, Creek, Crew, Crews, Croix, Cross, Crown, Cruz, Czar
  • Dahl, Daire/Dare, Dale, Dan, Dane/Dain/Daine/Dayne/Dayn, Dart, Dash, Dawes, Dax, Dean, Dee, Del/Dell, Derl, Deuce, Din, Dirk, Doc/Dock, Dolph, Don, Dor, Dov, Doyle, Drake, Dream, Dre, Drew/Dru, Dodge, Dowd, Duane/Dwayne, Duff, Duke, Dune, Dutch
  • Earl, East, Ebb, Edge, Ernst
  • Fate, Finch, Finn, Fitz, Fjord, Fleet, Flex, Flint, Flip, Floyd, Flynn, Ford, Fox, Frank, Franz, Fred, Friend, Fritz, Frost
  • Gabe, Gad, Gage/Gauge, Gaines/Gains, Gal, Gale, Garth, Gates, Gay, Gent, Geoff, George, Gibb, Gibbs, Gil/Gill, Giles, Glade, Glenn/Glen, Graham, Grant, Graves, Gray/Grey, Great, Green/Greene, Griff, Grimm/Grim, Gur, Gus, Gust, Guy
  • Haines, Hale, Hall, Hank, Hans, Hatch, Hawk/Hawke, Hayes/Haze/Hayze/Haize, Heath, Heir, Hicks, Hill, Hines, Hoke, Holmes, Holt, Hoss, Hoyt, Hud, Hugh, Hume, Hunt, Hyde
  • Ives
  • Jacques, Jace/Jayce/Jase, Jack, Jake, James/Jamez, Jax, Jay/Jae, Jazz/Jaz, Jeff, Jess, Jin, Jett, Job, Joe/Jo, Joel, John/Jon, Jones, Josh, Joss, Jove, Juan, Judd/Jud, Jude, Judge, June, Jung
  • Kace/Kayce/Kase, Kade/Kayde, Kai, Kale, Kane/Kayne/Kaine, Karl, Kash, Kaz/Kazz, Keane/Kean/Keene, Keats, Keith, Kemp, Kent, Kern, Key, Kidd, Khan, Kim, King, Kip/Kipp, Kirk, Klaus, Klark, Klein, Knight, Knox, Kole, Kreed, Kris, Krish, Kurt, Kyle
  • Ladd, Lafe, Laird, Laith, Lake, Lance, Lane/Layne/Laine, Lark, Lars, Lee/Leigh, Leib, Leif/Leaf, Leith, Lev, Lex, Light, Lloyd, Locke/Lock, Lord/Lorde, Lorne, Lot/Lott, Luc, Luke, Lux, Lyle, Lynn/Lin, Lynx
  • Mace, Mack/Mac, March, Mark/Marc, Mars, Max, Mayes/Mays/Maze, Meade/Mead, Merle, Mike, Mills, Mitch, Moe/Mo, Moss, Myles/Miles
  • Nash, Nate, Naz, Neil/Neal, Neils, Nels, Ness, Nick, Nile, Niles/Nyles, Nils, Nir, Noel, Noor, North, Noyes
  • Oak, Oakes/Oaks, Om, Or, Oz
  • Pace, Page, Park, Parks/Parx, Parth, Patch, Paul, Pax, Paz, Peace, Peer, Penn, Pierce, Piers, Praise, Pratt, Pride, Priest, Prime, Prince, Psalm, Psalms
  • Quaid/Quade, Quest, Quill, Quinn, Quint
  • Ra, Race, Rage, Raines, Raj, Ralph, Ram, Rance, Rand, Range, Ray, Raz, Reece/Reese/Rhys, Reef, Reeve, Reeves, Reid/Reed, Reign, Rell, Ren, Rex, Rey, Rhett, Rhodes, Ridge, Riggs, Rip/Ripp, Roche, Rock, Rogue, Rolf/Rolfe, Rome, Ross, Roth, Rowe, Roy, Royce, Rudd, Rune, Rush, Rye/Ry, Ryne
  • Sage, Saint, Sam, Saul, Sayre, Scott, Seth/Set, Shade, Shane/Shayne/Shaine, Shaw, Shawn/Shaun/Sean, Shay/Shaye, Sky, Slate, Sloan/Sloane, Smith, South, Spade, Sprague, Steel, Stone, Storm, Styles/Stiles/Stylez, Suede, Swain/Swayne, Swan, Sway, Swift
  • Tad, Tadhg, Taft, Tai, Taj/Tahj/Tajh, Tal, Tank, Tate/Tait/Tayt, Tay/Taye, Taz, Teague, Tex, Thad, Thane/Thaine, Thames, Thor, Thorn/Thorne, Tighe, Todd, Tom/Thom, Townes/Towns, Trace, Track, Trent, Trey, Trigg, Tripp, Tris, Troy, Troyce, True/Tru, Truce, Trust, Truth, Twain, Ty/Tye
  • Val, Vale, Van, Vance, Vane, Vaughn, Vic/Vick, Vince, Von, Voss
  • Wade/Wayde, Wales, Ward, Wayne, Webb, Welch, Wells, West, Wilde, Wilks, Will, Wing, Witt/Whitt, Wolf/Wolfe, Wood, Woods, Worth, Wraith, Wray, Wren, Wright, Wynn/Winn
  • Yale, Yann, Yates, York, Young, Yves
  • Zack/Zach/Zac, Zade/Zaide/Zayde/Zayd, Zale, Zam, Zane/Zain/Zayne/Zaine/Zayn, Zeal, Zed/Zedd, Zell, Zen, Zeth, Zeus, Zev, Ziv, Zvi, Zyn

Please note that I did include names in the gray area between one syllable and two syllables. The deciding factor on these particular names (such as Charles, Miles, and Noel) will be your own interpretation/accent, so be sure to test the names out loud before making any final decisions.

Many of these names also happen to be unisex, so they appear on the one-syllable girl names list as well.

What’s your favorite one-syllable boy name?

Image: Adapted from 1 Drvo 06241 by Olja Simovic under CC BY-SA 4.0.

[Latest update: July 2023]