I’ve always thought of mór (as in an Gorta Mór) simply as an Irish vocabulary word. So I was a bit surprised to learn that it was once used as a female name:
In the late middle ages, the name Mór (meaning great or big) was very popular for a woman. Although given the 21st century obsession with being skinny, it’s difficult to see that one making a comeback.
That quote comes from “The Name Game” by Bernice Mulligan, published in yesterday’s edition of the Irish Independent.
According to Irish Names by Donnchadh Ó Corráin and Fidelma Maguire, the following names were also popular in Ireland during the Middle Ages:
Female | Male |
Affraic Barrdub Caíntigern Dubchoblaig Echrad Forbflaith Gormlaith Lerben Márgrég Nárbflaith Órnat Ragnailt Suaibsech Tailltiu Uallach | Anmchaid Báethgalach Cuilén Donndubán Echmhílidh Flaithbertach Gáethíne Loingsech Mathgamain Nuadu Ólchobar Rechtabra Sitric Tairdelbach Uillec |
And I thought modern Irish names were intimidating.
Image: Adapted from Cliffs of Moher 3 by Carogonmu under CC BY-SA 4.0.
Tailltiu is interesting, if only I knew how to say it… :S
Wow, this is an impressive list of names. Are these frequently used in Ireland?
Tailtiu is pronounced Tah-il-tyoo. Names such as these are no longer used in Éire.