Baby name story: Torah

A Tasmanian couple named their baby girl Torah in honor of Australian snowboarder Torah Bright, who had won the women’s snowboard halfpipe event in Vancouver just before the baby was born.

The baby’s parents had seen Torah’s name in the newspaper a few weeks prior to the birth. They liked it, but couldn’t decide if they liked it more than their other favorite, Phoebe. The father says:

Our little girl was born at 3.30pm Friday and I got a text message from a friend about five minutes earlier telling me Torah Bright had won gold, so that decided it.

“I said to my wife ‘this message came through while you were in labour. Maybe it’s an omen’.”

Source: Torah inspires baby name

One thought on “Baby name story: Torah

  1. I have identical twin girls that are 3. We named one of them Aspen and the other Torah (becaues we loved how it sounded every time we heard or read about Torah Bright)!

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