Did you know that, as a 16-year-old, Benjamin Franklin wrote letters to the The New-England Courant posing as a middle-aged widow named Silence Dogood?
You can see all of his Silence Dogood letters at The Papers of Benjamin Franklin.
So here’s the game: Create your very own Silence Dogood-esque nom de plume by following Franklin’s formula.
- Virtue forename + Two-word surname
The surname can be related to the first name (Honesty Truthteller) or be totally different (Fortitude Jellybean).
If you need help coming up with a virtue, you could always start with Ben Franklin’s personal favorites: temperance, silence, order, resolution, frugality, industry, sincerity, justice, moderation, cleanliness, tranquility, chastity and humility.
Source: Virtue – Wikipedia
Euphoric Happyhour
(What? It’s Friday!)
Honor Stronghold
Felicity Fairweather
Mercy Cook-off
Hope Crossroads
Faith Foodstuffs
Temperance Travelon :)
Charity Latesleeper
Comitas Papersaver
(from the Roman Virtues)