Holiday baby name: Merry Christmas

Christmas tree decorations

Conrad and Nellie Miller built Santa Claus House in North Pole, Alaska, in the early 1950s. It’s now “one of the top attractions in Interior Alaska,” according to the website.

Con and Nellie also had three children, the third of which was a daughter born in 1961. She was named Merry Christmas Miller.

A name like “Merry Christmas” might have made sense for the proprietors of Santa Clause House, but what about for the rest of us? Have any other parents named their children “Merry Christmas”?


Merry Christmas Miller is one of only about 40 people that I’ve found so far with the first and middle names Merry Christmas.

Another is Merry Christmas Easter, 1918-2008, of California.

I’ve also discovered about a dozen people with the first and last names Merry Christmas.

Many — though not all — of these Merry Christmases were females born on December 25, just like Merry Christmas Miller.

[More holiday baby names: Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Christmas Carol, Christmas Tree, Happy New Year]

Source: Williams, Verne. “Santa not in red at $1.50 a letter.” Miami News 29 Nov. 1976: 1A.

Image: Adapted from Bellagio Christmas tree by Bert Kaufmann under CC BY-SA 2.0.

One thought on “Holiday baby name: Merry Christmas

  1. My brother was due in December. For a while, my mother joked that she was going to name him Meredith Christina Smith (Merry Chris Smith) if he had been a girl. Joy Elizabeth was also discussed. Thank goodness he was a boy and given a regular name.

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