What are the most popular first letters for baby names right now?
Here are the top first letters for girl names:

- The most popular first letters for girl names: A, M, S, E, K.
- 2013 vs. 2012: E and K switched places.
- The least popular first letters for girls names: U, X, Q, W, Y.
Here are the top first letters for boy names:

- The most popular first letters for boy names: J, A, C, M, L.
- 2013 vs. 2012: L replaced D in the top 5.
- The least popular first letters for boy names: U, Q, Y, X, V.
Here are the top first letters for all baby names (girls and boys combined):

- The most popular first letters overall: A, J, M, C, E.
- The least popular first letters overall: U, Q, X, Y, F.
- 2013 vs. 2012: F replaced V in the bottom 5.
The winners were also A for girls, J for boys, and A overall in 2012, 2011, 2010 and 2009.
U.S. Baby Names 2013: Most popular names, Top girl-name debuts, Top boy-name debuts, Biggest girl-name changes, Biggest boy-name changes, Top first letters, Top lengths, Top girl names by letter, Top boy names by letter