Popular baby names in Germany, 2014

Flag of Germany
Flag of Germany

According to data from the Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache (Association for German Language), the most popular baby names in Germany in 2014 were Hanna/Hannah and Luis/Louis.

Here are the country’s top 10 girl names and top 10 boy names of 2014:

Girl namesBoy names
1. Hanna/Hannah
2. Mia
3. Emma
4. Sophia/Sofia
5. Emilia
6. Lena
7. Anna
8. Lea/Leah
9. Marie
10. Lina
1. Luis/Louis
2. Leon/Léon
3. Maximilian
4. Ben
5. Paul
6. Lukas/Lucas
7. Jonas
8. Noah/Noa
9. Luka/Luca
10. Felix

On the girls’ list, Lea/Leah replaced Johanna.

On the boys’ list, Maximilian replaced Finn/Fin/Fynn.

The previous #1 names were Mia and Ben.

Here are the top baby names in Germany for 2013, 2012 and 2010.

Update, 5/7: I replaced the original rankings in this post (which mixed firsts and middles) with the rankings above (which is first names only). Thanks, Diane!

Sources: GfdS (2014), GfdS (2013)

Image: Adapted from Flag of Germany (public domain)

2 thoughts on “Popular baby names in Germany, 2014

  1. This particular list includes both first AND middle names. Marie, for instance, is very popular as a middle name, less so as a first name. If you look at your second source, the one in German, and scroll down, the second list is first names only and the third is middle names only.

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