Popular baby names in New Jersey, 2014

Flag of New Jersey
Flag of New Jersey

According to data from the New Jersey Department of Health, the most popular baby names in the state in 2014 were Sophia and Michael.

Here are New Jersey’s top 10 girl names and top 10 boy names of 2014:

Girl namesBoy names
1. Sophia
2. Isabella
3. Olivia
4. Emma
5. Mia
6. Ava
7. Emily
8. Sofia
9. Abigail
10. Madison
1. Michael
2. Matthew
3. Joseph
4. Liam
5. Daniel
6. Jacob
7. Noah
8. Alexander
9. Ethan
10. Anthony

The girls’ top 10 includes the same names as last year, but there’s a new #1 name (Sophia replaced Isabella).

It’s the opposite for the boys’ list: same #1 name as last year, but there’s a new name in the top 10 (Noah replaced Ryan).

Here are the 2013 rankings for NJ.

Source: N.J.’s most popular baby names of 2014

Image: Adapted from Flag of New Jersey (public domain)

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