The baby name Chardon first appeared in the U.S. baby name data in 1981:
- 1983: 5 baby girls named Chardon
- 1982: unlisted
- 1981: 15 baby girls named Chardon [debut]
- 1980: unlisted
- 1979: unlisted
Where did it come from?
Just like Jordache and Murjani, Chardon was inspired by jeans!
I’m not sure when designer jeans brand Chardón (pronounced shar-DON) was introduced, but I’ve tracked down print advertisements for Chardón going back to 1980.
“I beg your Chardón!” was the catchphrase used in the suggestive commercials that must have started airing in (or just before) 1981:
Another Chardón commercial from the same time period featured basketball player Larry Bird:
The brand didn’t last long, however. The designer jeans trend soon fizzled out, and, by mid-1982, Chardón (and many similar brands) were hard to find at department stores.
Likewise, the baby name Chardon only appeared in the SSA data one more time (in 1983) before dropping out for good.
What are your thoughts on the baby name Chardon?
- Kanner, Bernice. “Designer Jeans Bottom Out.” New York Magazine 17 May 1982: 22-25.
Images: Screenshots of TV commercials for Chardón jeans
[Latest update: Dec. 2024]