According to Open Data Paris, the most popular baby names in Paris, France, in 2016 were Louise and Gabriel.
Here are the city’s top 10 girl names and top 10 boy names of 2016:
Girl Names
1. Louise, 291 baby girls
2. Emma, 209
3. Alice, 208
4. Chloé, 179
5. Jeanne, 177
6. Inès, 166
7. Sarah, 163
8. Léa, 157
9. Charlotte, 145
10. Anna, 141
Boy Names
1. Gabriel, 370 baby boys
2. Adam, 353
3. Raphaël, 340
4. Louis, 275
5. Arthur, 247
6. Paul, 203
7. Alexandre, 197 (tie)
8. Victor, 197 (tie)
9. Mohamed, 184
10. Joseph, 175
The #1 names in 2015 were also Louise and Gabriel (…and Adam, tied with Gabriel).
In the girls’ top 10, Léa and Charlotte replaced Adèle and Juliette.
In the boys’ top 10, Joseph replaced Jules.
Source: Open Data Paris (via Maybe it is Daijirou)
Image: Adapted from Flag of France (public domain)