While doing research on old-fashioned double names recently, I spotted the unexpected-but-real name Bluejean on the 1930 U.S. Census:

It belonged to an 8-year-old girl in Colorado, and it made me curious…was this Bluejean the only one? Were there others?
So I did some searching, and I ended up finding about a dozen people, mainly females, named Bluejean or something similar (Blue Jean, Bluejeans, Bluejeana, Bluegene). The most recent was born in the late 1980s.

What do you think of Bluejean as a baby name? Would you ever consider using it?
I confess; I like it. My mom has a double first name, and it causes no end of trouble, so I’d be unlikely to actually use it.
I did have a student this year with the middle name Blue and I remember meeting a girl named Blue when I was a kid.
I like it too. I don’t think I’d ever recommend that anyone use it, but…I think it’s cute that it has been used before.