A few years ago, Texas-born storyteller Kambri Crews was interviewed about her unique first name. Here’s some of what she said:
I’ve never met another Kambri and don’t know of any who are older than me. As far as I can tell, I’m the first. A few friends have named their girls Kambri taking liberty with its spelling. It’s like the old Vidal Sassoon television commercial. “They tell two friends and they tell two friends and so on and so on and so on.” So, if you search for Kambri a bunch come up in the south, where I’m from.
She’s right about the South: Most Kambris (and Kambrys, and Kambries) are born in Texas, Utah, and Oklahoma, according to the SSA data.
She also mentioned that no one ever spells “Kambri” correctly on the first try:
Once in maybe 1,000 times people will get the “K” right but always, always, always spell it with an “Y”. The Toyota Camry is responsible for all my name confusion woes.
What are your thoughts on the name Kambri? If you were going to use it for a baby girl, how would you spell it?
Source: Hello. My Name Is…Kambri Crews