In November of 1936, during the Siege of Madrid, many people sought refuge in the city’s foreign embassies.
But only the British Embassy saw the arrival of a baby boy.
He was born to British Embassy cook Josefina Ruiz Torrubiano, who named him Mariano Fernandez [sic?] Alexander Duncan Torrubiano Y Ruiz.
Why “Alexander” and “Duncan”?
The third and fourth names commemorate the assistance of members of the Scottish ambulance corps during the delivery.
And I’m assuming his second name was actually Fernando, even though all the newspapers wrote it “Fernandez.”
Which of the four given names do you like best: Mariano, Fernando, Alexander, or Duncan?
Source: “War Baby Born in British Embassy.” Evening Independent [St. Petersburg] 28 Nov. 1936: 1.
What an interesting combo! My favourite is definitely Alexander.