The unique name Civona was a one-hit wonder in the U.S. baby name data during the late 1970s:
- 1979: unlisted
- 1978: unlisted
- 1977: 5 baby girls named Civona [debut]
- 1976: unlisted
- 1975: unlisted
Where did it come from?
A type of acrylic fabric called Civona, which was being advertised heavily around that time. The ads often compared the feel of Civona to that of merino wool. Civona’s tagline was: “the touch-me look.”
Like Antron and Qiana, Civona was invented by DuPont. It was put on the market in 1975.
What are your thoughts on the baby name Civona?
Image: Lady Markell Advertisement. San Bernardino Sun 13 Nov. 1977: 35.