Is your name is Patrick or Patricia? Do you live in Co. Wexford, Ireland?
If so, go check out Hook Lighthouse (“the oldest operational lighthouse in the world”) on St. Patrick’s Day — you’ll get a free guided tour!
Here’s the announcement from the Hook Lighthouse events page:
Celebrate all that is uniquely Irish at hook Lighthouse this St. Patrick’s Day … from a green theme in the café and the celebration of Paddy’s… yes, that’s right, if your name is Patrick, Pat, Paddy or Patricia you can enjoy access to a free Lighthouse tour on St. Patrick’s Day and enjoy snake hunts at 2 pm and 3 pm on the lighthouse lawns!
The tours don’t actually cost much — just €10 per adult, and about half that per child — but it sounds like a fun promotion nonetheless.
Source: Hook Lighthouse offering free tours for Patricks and Patricias this St Patrick’s Day
Image: Adapted from Hook Head Lighthouse at coast’s edge by Ianfhunter under CC BY-SA 4.0.
I learned this week that the actor Patrick Duffy was born on St Patrick’s Day. Since then I keep wondering if he would have been named something else if not for the date of his birth. If he’d arrived 48 hours later would he be Joseph Duffy for St Joseph?
Good question! I wonder if his parents already had something picked out, but changed their minds when he arrived on the holiday.