Baby name stories: Adlai

Baby Adlai Stevenson Isenhower with his mother (Aug. 1952)

Several of the 1952 babies named after Adlai Stevenson were featured in the newspapers.

One, born in mid-August to Mr. and Mrs. Ben R. Isenhower of Chatsworth, Georgia, was named Adlai Stevenson Isenhower. His older brother, Dwight David Isenhower, had been born eight years earlier and was (of course) named after Dwight D. Eisenhower, “whose forces were then spearheading the European coastal invasion.”

Another, born during the wee hours of the morning on election day (Nov. 4) to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Smith of Richlands, North Carolina, was named Adlai Stevenson Smith.


  • “He’s Named, Win or Lose.” Evening Star [Washington, D.C.] 4 Nov. 1952: A-2.
  • “Political Influence.” Kokomo Tribune 28 Aug. 1952: 23.

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