Popular baby names in Slovakia, 2023

Flag of Slovakia
Flag of Slovakia

The top baby names in Slovakia during the first eleven and a half months of 2023 were Sofia and Jakub, according to the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic.

Here are the country’s top 20 girl names and top 20 boy names of 2023 (from January 1 to December 14):

Girl names

  1. Sofia, 615 baby girls
  2. Eliška, 555
  3. Viktória, 534
  4. Nina, 512
  5. Natália, 498
  6. Ema, 496
  7. Sára, 492
  8. Nela, 423
  9. Olívia, 400
  10. Mia, 379
  11. Hana, 373
  12. Diana, 355
  13. Laura, 340
  14. Tamara, 335
  15. Anna, 331
  16. Emma, 314
  17. Timea, 296
  18. Karolína, 285
  19. Júlia, 283
  20. Kristína, 270

Boy names

  1. Jakub, 914 baby boys
  2. Samuel, 798
  3. Adam, 792
  4. Šimon, 742
  5. Michal, 682
  6. Oliver, 663
  7. Tomáš, 602
  8. Filip, 521
  9. Matej, 501
  10. Martin, 483
  11. Tobias, 471
  12. Lukáš, 460
  13. Matúš, 445
  14. Alex, 440
  15. Dominik, 433
  16. Richard, 414
  17. Peter, 412
  18. Dávid, 390
  19. Patrik , 386
  20. Matias, 369

Since 2010, the top two names in Slovakia have predominantly been Sofia and Jakub. (Adam reached the top spot for boys in 2014 and 2015; Ema and Nina reached the top spot for girls in 2020 and 2021, respectively.)

From 2003 to 2009, the top two names were Viktória and Samuel.

Finally, here are Slovakia’s 2022 rankings, if you’d like to compare last year to the year before.

Source: Najpopulárnejšími menami novorodencov v roku 2023 boli opät’ Sofia a Jakub – Ministerstvo vnútra SR

Image: Adapted from Flag of Slovakia (public domain)

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