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Yesterday I discovered the “Asian Name Pronunciation Guide,” which was created by California State Polytechnic University (Pomona) to help its students “more accurately pronounce some common Asian first and last names.” What a cool thing for the school to make available.
There are pages for names in Cambodian, Cantonese, Filipino, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Thai and Vietnamese. Best of all, most pages include audio files of native speakers correctly pronouncing selected names.
Here are all the first names listed:
Cambodian First Names & Pronunciations
Bopha, bohpah
Chanda, chahndah
Chandarith, chahnrit
Chhoun, choo-en
Dara Khan, dahrah kahn
Khan, kahn
Kosal, kohsahl
Kunthea, kunt-hee-ah
Lai, lah-ee
Lun Ang, loom-ang
Maly, mahlee
Map, mahp
Moeuk, mew
Pean, pee-in
Phalla, pahlah
Phireak, pee-re
Poew, pohew
Rith, rit
Ry, ree
Sarit, sahrit
Srey, sray
Soas, soo-uh
Socheat, sohjee-et
Soeun, sew-in
Sok, sawk
Somally, sawmahlee
Sopea, sohpeeah
Sophal, sohpahl
Sophat, sohpaht
Sophea, sohpeeah
Sopheap, sohpee-up
Suon, soo-in
Theary, t-ih-ree
Thy, tee
Tren, trayng
Vanna, wahnah
Vannak, wahnak
Vantha, wahntah
Veng Kim, wayng kum
Vuthy, wootee
Cantonese (Chinese) First Names & Pronunciations
Chi-Kung, chee-kahng
Chi-Man, chee-mahn
Ka-Ling, gah-leeng
Kok-Wing, kaw-wing
Lai-Ying, ly-ying
Mei-Yee, may-yee
Pui-Pui, puhyee-pahyee
Sau-Ha, sow-han
Shuk-Yee, suh-yee
Sin-Feng, sin-fuhng
Siu-Kao, seeyoo-kayoo
Tak-Wah, duh-wah
Wai-Keung, wy-kuhung
Wai-Ling, wy-ling
Filipino First Names & Pronunciations
Adelaide, ahdelydah
Angelita, ahngheleetah
Annal, ahnah
Antonio, ahntoneeyo
Aunor, awnor
Carlo, karlo
Catalina, kahtahleena
Dakila, dahkeelah
Dalisay, dahleesy
Diego, deeyaygo
Floricel, florreesel
Gemma, jemah
Guillermo, geelyermo
Honesto, ohnesto
Irma, irmah
Isabel, eesahbel
Ligaya, leegahyah
Liwayway, leewaiwai
Luningning, looningning
Lourdes, lordess
Magdalena, mahgdahleena
Manuel, mahnoowel
Maria, mahreeyah
Maricar, mahrikahr
Miguel, meegel
Norma, normah
Indonesian First Names & Pronunciations
Female Names
Ade, ada
Devi, day (silent y)-vee
Dewi, day (silent y)-we
Erlin, arleen
Fanny, funny
Farida, fareeda
Glenna, glenna
Harjanti, harjantee
Hartanti, hartantee
Ida, eda
Inge, enge
Lanny, lunny
Leony, leony
Liana, leeana
Liani, leeanee
Ratna, rutna
Shinta, shinta
Siska, sisca
Sri, seri
Sucianty, soocianty
Susanti, soosantee
Utami, utami
Vera, vera
Verawati, verawatee
Veronika, veronica
Widya, wedya
Widyawati, wedyawati
Yanti, yunti
Yenny, yenny
Yulia, yoolia
Yuliana, yooleeana
Yuliani, yooleeanee
Male Names
Ade, ada
Adi, adee
Agus, agoos
Ari (Ary), ari
Bambang, bumbung
Benny, banny
Budi, boodee
Deddy, deddy
Djaja (Djaya, Jaya), jaya
Doddy, doddy
Hadi, hudee
Hadian, hudeean
Hamdani, hamdani
Handoko, handoko
Hartono, hartono
Hendra, hendra
Hendri, hendori
Hengki (Hengky), hanki
Herman, herman
Indra, endra
Irwan, erwan
Ivan, evan
Iwan, ewan
Johan, johan
Ridwan, ridwan
Sonny, sonny
Sudirman, soodirman
Sudomo, soodoomo
Sugiarto, soogiarto
Suharto, sooharto
Suhendra, soohendra
Sukarno, sookarno
Suparman, sooparman
Surya, soorya
Suryadi, sooryadee
Susanto, soosanto
Teguh, taguh
Yandi, yundee
Yohanes, yohanes
Japanese First Names & Pronunciations
Female Names
Akiko, a-ki-o
Etsuko, eh-tsu-ko
Hiroko, he-ro-ko
Hiromi, he-ro-me
Junko, june-ko
Kaoru, ka-o-ru
Kazuko, ka-zu-ko
Keiko, keh-ko
Kuniko, koo-ni-ko
Kyoko, kyoh-ko
Mariko, ma-ri-ko
Masako, ma-sa-ko
Michiko, me-chi-ko
Miho, me-ho
Miki, me-ki
Miyuki, me-you-ki
Naoko, na-o-ko
Noriko, no-lee-ko
Reiko, reh-ko
Sachiko, sa-chi-ko
Takako, ta-ka-ko
Tomoko, to-mo-ko
Yoko, yoh-ko
Yoshiko, yo-shi-ko
Yuki, you-ki
Yumi, you-me
Yumiko, you-me-ko
Male Names
Akio, a-ki-o
Akira, a-ki-ra
Hideo, hi-de-o
Hiroshi, hi-ro-sih
Ichiro, e-chi-roh
Junichi, june-e-chi
Kazuo, ka-zu-o
Kenji, ken-ji
Kiyoshi, ki-yo-shi
Koichi, ko-e-chi
Koji, ko-ji
Makoto, ma-ko-toh
Osamu, o-sa-mu
Shigeru, shi-ge-ru
Shinichi, shin-e-chi
Shiro, shi-ro
Susumu, su-su-mu
Tadashi, ta-da-shi
Takao, ta-ka-o
Takashi, ta-ka-shi
Takeo, ta-ke-o
Takeshi, ta-ke-shi
Toru, toh-ru
Tsutomu, tsu-to-mu
Yoshio, yo-shi-o
Yuji, you-ji
Yutaka, you-ta-ka
Korean First Names & Pronunciations
Female Names
Eun-A, euna
Eun-Hee, eunhee
Eun-Ju, eunju
Eun-Jung, eunjung
Eun-Kyoung, eunkyoung
Eun-Mi, eunmi
Eun-Su, eunsu
Eun-Sun, eunsun
Eun-Young, eunyoung
Hye-Su, hiesu
Hyun-Ja, hyunja
Hyun-Ju, hyunju
Hyun-Jung, hyunjung
Hyun-Young, hiuniung
Jin-Sook (Jing-Suk), jinsuk
Kun-Sun, keunsun
Kyoung-Mi, kyungmi
Min-Hee, minhee
Min-Hoe, minhoe
Min-Jung, minjung
Min-Young, miyoung
Mi-Kyoung, mikyoung
Mi-Sun, misun
Mi-Young, miyoung
Na-Young, nayoung
Sang-Hee, sang/hee
Sang-Mi, sangmi
So-Young, soyoung
Sun-Hee, sunhee
Su-Jung, sujung
Young-Hee (Yung-Hee), young-hee
Young-Ja, youngja
Young-Mi, youngmi
Yun-Hee, iunhee
Male Names
Chang-Ho, changho
Chang-Su, changsu
Chang-Uk, chang-uk
Dong-Min, dongmin
Dong-Uk, dong-uk
Du-Ho, doho
Hyun-Su, hyeonsu
In-Ho, inho
Jang-Ho, jangho
Ja-Hoon, jahoon
Jong-Cheol (Jong-Chul), jongchul
Jong-Pil, jongpil
Jong-Su, jongsu
Jung-Hee, jeonghi
Jung-Hun (Jung-Hoon), jeonghun
Jung-Yeol, jung yeol
Ki-Hoon (Ki-Hun), kihun
Kwang-Ho, kuangho
Man-Su, mansu
Min-Ho, minho
Min-Ki, minki
Min-Kyu, minkiu
Min-Su, minsu
Sang-Ho, sangho
Sang-Ki, sangki
Sang-Kyu, sangkiu
Sang-Min, sangmin
Suk-Chul, sukchul
Sung-Uk, sung-uk
Yong-Su, youngsu
Young-Ho, young-ho
Young-Il, young-il
Young-Min, youngmin
Young-Su, youngsu
Mandarin (Chinese) First Names & Pronunciations
Chien, chee-en
Chiu, cheeoo
Di, dee
Du-Wah, doo wah
Fah, fah
Fong, fong
Jinho, rinho
Jong, rong
Ki, kee
Kwai, kwai
Lai-Ching, ly ching
Len, len
Li-Li, lee lee
Liang, lee ang
Li-Kung, lee kung
Lin, lin
Ling, ling
Li-Sheng, lee sheng
Mei, may
Riu, ree oo
Soon, suhn
Sung, sung
Wah-Tai, wah tahee
Wang, wang
Yung-Ling, yung leeng
Zhuo-Shing, choh sheeng
Thai First Names & Pronunciations
Female Names
Amporn, um-porn
Areya, ar-ree-ya
Budsaba, bud-sa-ba
Chompoo, chom-poo
Chompunut, chom-ou-nut
Duangrat, duang-rat
Intira, in-ti-ra
Jutharat, ju-ta-rat
Korrakoj, kor-ra-kod
Krittiga, krit-ti-ga
Nattaporn, nat-ta-porn
Nuntida, nun-ti-da
Orapan, or-ra-pun
Ornanong, on-a-nong
Patsaporn, pud-sa-porn
Pim, pim
Porntip, porn-tip
Pradtana, prad-ta-na
Premwadee, prem-wa-dee
Preyanutch, pre-ya-nut
Promporn, prom-porn
Sangrawee, sang-ra-wee
Sinee, si-nee
Sirirat, si-ri-rat
Sunisa, su-ni-sa
Suttida, soot-ti-da
Suwattanee, su-wat-ta-nee
Tidarat, to-da-rat
Utumporn, au-tum-porn
Vipada, wi-pa-da
Yada, ya-da
Male Names
Adirake, a-di-rake
Akkarat, aek-ka-rat
Chaowalit, chaow-wa-lit
Chayond, cha-yond
Chuan, chuan
Jettrin, jet-trin
Kiettisuk, kiet-ti-suk
Kittikorn, kit-ti-korn
Krit, krit
Ned, nade
Niwat, ni-wat
Nontawat, non-ta-wat
Pairote, pai-rote
Paradorn, pa-ra-dorn
Petch, petch
Pongrit, pong-rit
Pracha, pra-cha
Prakorb, pra-korb
Pramod, pra-mote
Prasopchai, pra-soap-chai
Sakchai, suk-chai
Sarawut, sa-ra-wut
Songpole, song-pole
Sunya, sun-ya
Surat, su-rat
Suttipong, sut-ti-pong
Thongchai, tong-chai
Tuksin, tuk-sin
Udom, au-dom
Vit, wit
Winai, wi-nai
Worrawut, wore-ra-wut
Vietnamese First Names & Pronunciations
Chi, chee
Cuc, kuk
Diem, yeeyim
Duc, duk
Dung, yuhng
Duong, yoong
Hanh, hahn
Ho, hoh
Hoa, hwa
Hong, howng
Hung, huhng
Lan, lahn
Liem, leeyim
Lien, leeyin
Loc, lowk
Mai, mah-ee
Minh, min
Nam, nahm
Nga, nga
Nguyet, nwyit
Pham, fam
Phu, foo
Thi, tee
Thien, teeyen
Tho, toy or tahoo
Thuy, twee
Tuan, twahn or twuhn
Tuyet, tweeyit
Viet, wee-et
Xuan, swuhn
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