How popular is the baby name Budie in the United States right now? How popular was it historically? Use the popularity graph and data table below to find out! Plus, see all the blog posts that mention the name Budie.

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Popularity of the baby name Budie

Posts that mention the name Budie

The names Seventeen, Eighteen, and Nineteen

Baker family on the 1880 U.S. Census
Baker family, 1880 U.S. Census

Yesterday’s post on the Rosado family of Brazil reminded me of a Tennessee family I spotted in the 1880 U.S. Census.

The parents were Stephen and Maria Baker, ages 52 and 45, and the three youngest children were listed as…

  • Billy (?) Seventeen (male, age 4)
  • Lady Eighteen (female, age 3)
  • Aurilla Nineteen (female, age 0)

My hunch is that they were the 17th, 18th, and 19th children, but I haven’t been able to verify it yet.

The older children still at home in 1880 were named Millie, Buddy, Willie, and Albert.

On the 1870 U.S. Census, the family’s children were listed as Rachel, James, Francis, Florence, Milley, Budie, and Wm (an abbreviation for William).