Today’s mystery name is Chyleen, a uniquely spelled one-hit wonder from 1945:
- 1947: unlisted
- 1946: unlisted
- 1945: 9 baby girls named Chyleen [debut]
- 1944: unlisted
- 1943: unlisted
The names Charlene and Cheryl were on the rise in the ’40s, so the look/sound of Chyleen certainly fits with the trends of the time. But I can’t figure out what put the specific spelling “Chyleen” on the map.
Looking through records, I found a couple of people with other spellings, but “Chyleen” was the dominant favorite. This makes me think the influence was something written (e.g., news story, movie credits, book).
Any ideas about what influenced Chyleen?
P.S. The Chyleen-like name Chyla saw a spike in usage in 1983, with a third of that usage coming from in Illinois. The influence was likely Chicago Bears quarterback Vince Evans, who married a woman named Chyla Dibble in mid-1982. (The couple was featured in the July 19, 1982, issue of Jet magazine.)