How popular is the baby name Fallyn in the United States right now? How popular was it historically? Use the popularity graph and data table below to find out! Plus, see all the blog posts that mention the name Fallyn.

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Popularity of the baby name Fallyn

Posts that mention the name Fallyn

Louisiana quadruplets: Lyric, Paisley, Psalm, Fallyn


In November of 2024, Louisiana couple Farrah and Peyton Larry (and their 2-year-old son PJ) welcomed quadruplets that — like these quads in Texas, and these quads in Massachusetts — were actually two sets of identical twins.

What did they name their four baby girls?

Lyric, Paisley, Psalm, and Fallyn.

(Lyric and Fallyn are one set of twins; Paisley and Psalm are the other.)

I don’t know how the names were chosen, but I do know how they were assigned: Farrah and Peyton wrote the names on slips of paper, put the slips into a Ziploc bag, and randomly selected one name after each birth.

What are your thoughts on these names? (If you had to name a set of all-girl quadruplets, what names would you choose?)


Image: Ein Kinderfest (1868) by Ludwig Knaus