How popular is the baby name Orenthal in the United States right now? How popular was it historically? Use the popularity graph and data table below to find out! Plus, see all the blog posts that mention the name Orenthal.

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Popularity of the baby name Orenthal

Posts that mention the name Orenthal

Where did the baby name Orenthal come from in 1968?

Football player Orenthal James "O.J." Simspon
Orenthal “O.J.” Simspon

Last week’s post about baby names inspired by the O. J. Simpson trial reminded me that we haven’t yet talked about O. J. Simpson’s first name, Orenthal. So let’s do that today.

Here’s how Simpson explained his name to LIFE magazine in 1968, while he was still a student at the University of Southern California:

“I had an aunt,” he recalls, “who got to my mother and named me Orenthal and my cousin Ercale. Then she turned around and gave her own kids common names like Stanley, Stewart and Pam. The only thing she ever told me about Orenthal was that it was the name of some French or Italian actor. I don’t know, maybe she was loaded or something when she came up with it.”

That same year, Simpson won the Heisman Trophy.

And, right on cue, we see the name Orenthal pop on the national baby name charts:

  • 1976: 25 baby boys named Orenthal
  • 1975: 25 baby boys named Orenthal
  • 1974: 18 baby boys named Orenthal
  • 1973: 10 baby boys named Orenthal
  • 1972: unlisted
  • 1971: 10 baby boys named Orenthal
  • 1970: 18 baby boys named Orenthal
  • 1969: 23 baby boys named Orenthal
  • 1968: 10 baby boys named Orenthal [debut]
  • 1967: unlisted
  • 1966: unlisted

The next year he was the #1 NFL draft pick. He went on to have a successful professional football career that lasted over a decade, including a particularly impressive 1973, which looks like it gave the name a second boost.

After retiring from football, Simpson worked as a sports broadcaster and as an actor. He had a small part in Roots, for instance.

But his reputation was irreparably tarnished with the events of the mid-1990s. Usage of the name declined in the ’80s and it was off the national list entirely during the ’90s. (It’s been back on the list a couple of times since, though).

What do you think of the name Orenthal?


Image: Adapted from O.J. Simpson talking to reporters, 1967 by Don Cormier (Los Angeles Times) under CC BY 4.0.

[Latest update: Jan. 2025]

How did the O. J. Simpson trial influence baby names in the mid-1990s?

O. J. Simpson trial witness Kato Kaelin
Kato Kaelin

In June of 1994, former NFL star Orenthal James “O. J.” Simpson was charged with murdering his ex-wife, Nicole, and Nicole’s friend Ron.

The heavily publicized murder trial began early the next year. Simpson was finally acquitted on October 3, 1995 — nineteen years ago today.

Believe it or not, the trial had an impact on U.S. baby names in the mid-1990s.

In March of 1995, memorable witness Brian “Kato” Kaelin — who had been living on Simpson’s property at the time of the murders — took the stand. (His nickname came from the Green Hornet character.)

While the usage of Kato did not see a large increase in usage, both the male and female usage of Kaelin spiked in 1995:

Kaelin (m)Kaelin (f)Kato
†Peak usage
O. J. Simpson trial witness Arnelle Simpson
Arnelle Simpson

In July of 1995, Arnelle Simpson — O. J.’s adult daughter with his first wife, Marguerite — was called as the first witness for the defense.

Both the name Arnelle and the variant spelling Arnell saw higher usage that year as a result:

†Peak usage

Simpson’s defense attorney, Robert Kardashian, did not influence names in the 1990s…but his daughters and ex-wife would go on to influence U.S. baby names in multiple ways after becoming reality TV stars in the 2000s.

Sources: O. J. Simpson murder case – Wikipedia, SSA