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Popular baby names in Slovakia, 2023

Flag of Slovakia
Flag of Slovakia

The top baby names in Slovakia during the first eleven and a half months of 2023 were Sofia and Jakub, according to the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic.

Here are the country’s top 20 girl names and top 20 boy names of 2023 (from January 1 to December 14):

Girl names

  1. Sofia, 615 baby girls
  2. Eliška, 555
  3. Viktória, 534
  4. Nina, 512
  5. Natália, 498
  6. Ema, 496
  7. Sára, 492
  8. Nela, 423
  9. Olívia, 400
  10. Mia, 379
  11. Hana, 373
  12. Diana, 355
  13. Laura, 340
  14. Tamara, 335
  15. Anna, 331
  16. Emma, 314
  17. Timea, 296
  18. Karolína, 285
  19. Júlia, 283
  20. Kristína, 270

Boy names

  1. Jakub, 914 baby boys
  2. Samuel, 798
  3. Adam, 792
  4. Šimon, 742
  5. Michal, 682
  6. Oliver, 663
  7. Tomáš, 602
  8. Filip, 521
  9. Matej, 501
  10. Martin, 483
  11. Tobias, 471
  12. Lukáš, 460
  13. Matúš, 445
  14. Alex, 440
  15. Dominik, 433
  16. Richard, 414
  17. Peter, 412
  18. Dávid, 390
  19. Patrik , 386
  20. Matias, 369

Since 2010, the top two names in Slovakia have predominantly been Sofia and Jakub. (Adam reached the top spot for boys in 2014 and 2015; Ema and Nina reached the top spot for girls in 2020 and 2021, respectively.)

From 2003 to 2009, the top two names were Viktória and Samuel.

Finally, here are Slovakia’s 2022 rankings, if you’d like to compare last year to the year before.

Source: Najpopulárnejšími menami novorodencov v roku 2023 boli opät’ Sofia a Jakub – Ministerstvo vnútra SR

Image: Adapted from Flag of Slovakia (public domain)

Popular baby names in Croatia, 2022

Flag of Croatia
Flag of Croatia

Crescent-shaped Croatia is located on the Balkan peninsula. It shares land borders with five other countries: Slovenia, Hungary, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro.

Last year, Croatia welcomed 34,414 babies — 16,904 girls and 17,510 boys.

What were the most popular names among these babies? Mia and Luka (yet again).

Here are Croatia’s top 50 girl names and top 50 boy names of 2022:

Girl Names

  1. Mia, 452 baby girls
  2. Lucija, 371
  3. Nika, 370
  4. Mila, 365
  5. Ema, 351
  6. Marta, 335
  7. Rita, 333
  8. Sara, 321
  9. Eva, 267
  10. Dora, 253
  11. Ana, 246 (tie)
  12. Elena, 246 (tie)
  13. Iva, 220
  14. Lea, 202
  15. Petra, 200
  16. Klara, 192 (tie)
  17. Tena, 192 (tie)
  18. Lara, 191
  19. Laura, 184
  20. Lana, 182
  21. Hana, 180
  22. Marija, 171
  23. Franka, 170
  24. Ena, 169
  25. Sofia, 159
  26. Leona, 158 (tie)
  27. Maša, 158 (tie)
  28. Una, 139
  29. Nikol, 133
  30. Emili, 130
  31. Magdalena, 128
  32. Lena, 125
  33. Vita, 124
  34. Tia, 121
  35. Tara, 120
  36. Katja, 117
  37. Nora, 110
  38. Karla, 108
  39. Helena, 103
  40. Bruna, 99
  41. Aurora, 98 (tie)
  42. Roza, 98 (tie)
  43. Iris, 96
  44. Cvita, 94 (tie) – a form of the Slovene name Cvetka, based on the Slovene word cvet, meaning “flower, blossom”
  45. Sofija, 94 (tie)
  46. Aria, 91
  47. Mara, 89
  48. Lota, 88
  49. Doris, 85 (tie)
  50. Maris, 85 (tie)

Boy Names

  1. Luka, 774 baby boys
  2. Jakov, 478
  3. David, 474
  4. Petar, 427
  5. Ivan, 408
  6. Roko, 365 – a form of Rocco
  7. Mateo, 354
  8. Fran, 347
  9. Niko, 328
  10. Matej, 318
  11. Mihael, 312
  12. Josip, 306
  13. Toma, 305
  14. Leon, 293
  15. Lovro, 286
  16. Noa, 282
  17. Filip, 263
  18. Marko, 262
  19. Karlo, 259
  20. Vito, 258
  21. Teo, 256
  22. Ivano, 253
  23. Šimun, 252
  24. Borna, 247
  25. Jan, 229
  26. Lukas, 196
  27. Leo, 187
  28. Gabriel, 184
  29. Ante, 181
  30. Viktor, 170
  31. Nikola, 159
  32. Tin, 153
  33. Adrian, 146
  34. Bruno, 145 (tie)
  35. Liam, 145 (tie)
  36. Toni, 137
  37. Marin, 136
  38. Dominik, 134
  39. Rafael, 126
  40. Oliver, 122
  41. Noel, 114
  42. Emanuel, 111 (tie)
  43. Patrik, 111 (tie)
  44. Duje, 106 – a form of the Ancient Roman name Domnius, ultimately based on the Latin word dominus, meaning “lord, master”
  45. Erik, 102
  46. Maro, 100
  47. Antonio, 98 (tie)
  48. Lovre, 98 (tie)
  49. Vid, 96
  50. Franko, 88

Here’s a link to Croatia’s 2021 rankings, if you’d like to compare last year to the year before.

Sources: Statisticki prikaz – Ministarstvo pravosuda i uprave Republike Hrvatske (Document 27 [pdf] specifically), Behind the Name

Image: Adapted from Civil ensign of Croatia (public domain)

Popular baby names in Hungary, 2021

Flag of Hungary
Flag of Hungary

Landlocked Hungary, located in Central Europe, shares a border with seven other countries (including Croatia, Slovenia, and Austria).

Last year, Hungary welcomed over 93,000 babies.

What were the most popular names among these babies? Hanna and Levente (pronounced leh-vehn-teh).

Here are Hungary’s top 50 girl names and top 50 boy names of 2021:

Girl Names

  1. Hanna, 1,355 baby girls
  2. Zoé, 1,138
  3. Anna, 1,133
  4. Léna, 1,019
  5. Luca, 940
  6. Emma, 783
  7. Boglárka, 682 – means “buttercup” in Hungarian.
  8. Lili, 646
  9. Lilien, 601
  10. Lara, 594
  11. Zsófia, 588
  12. Laura, 577
  13. Mira, 553
  14. Sára, 523
  15. Olívia, 518
  16. Nóra, 506
  17. Lilla, 505
  18. Maja, 501
  19. Gréta, 496
  20. Izabella, 484
  21. Flóra, 476
  22. Jázmin, 475
  23. Alíz, 462
  24. Fanni, 430
  25. Adél, 426
  26. Janka, 425
  27. Dorka, 409 – a diminutive of Dorottya (Dorothea).
  28. Szofia, 406
  29. Zselyke, 396
  30. Liza, 393
  31. Csenge, 373
  32. Bella, 363
  33. Panna, 362 – a diminutive of Anna.
  34. Liliána, 361
  35. Kamilla, 352
  36. Linett, 351
  37. Dóra, 340
  38. Natasa, 333
  39. Viktória, 328
  40. Bianka, 321
  41. Szófia, 311
  42. Rebeka, 309
  43. Réka, 305
  44. Blanka, 304
  45. Szofi, 297
  46. Petra, 296
  47. Dorina, 295
  48. Nara, 286
  49. Emília, 285
  50. Noémi, 280

Boy Names

  1. Levente, 1,332 baby boys
  2. Máté, 1,314
  3. Dominik, 1,289
  4. Bence, 1,276
  5. Olivér, 1,199
  6. Noel, 1,122
  7. Marcell, 1,083
  8. Dániel, 1,057
  9. Zalán, 1,026 – popularized (and perhaps invented?) by Hungarian poet Mihály Vörösmarty, who published the epic poem “Zalán Futása” (transl. “The Flight of Zalan”) in 1825.
  10. Ádám, 1,024
  11. Milán, 954
  12. Botond, 934
  13. Benett, 880
  14. Dávid, 870
  15. Zsombor, 813
  16. Áron, 808
  17. Balázs, 681
  18. Benedek, 639
  19. Márk, 620
  20. Nimród, 607
  21. Péter, 590
  22. László, 583
  23. Tamás, 580
  24. Gergo, 530
  25. Zente, 517 – based on the Hungarian word szent, meaning “holy.”
  26. Bálint, 508 – a form of Valentine.
  27. Barnabás, 508
  28. Kristóf, 507
  29. Zétény, 484
  30. András, 453
  31. Kornél, 446
  32. Nolen, 444
  33. Márton, 433
  34. István, 426
  35. Hunor, 420 – a name from Hungarian mythology. Legendary brothers Hunor and Magor were the ancestors of the Huns and the Hungarians (also known as the Magyars), respectively.
  36. Attila, 402
  37. Ákos, 399
  38. Zoltán, 393
  39. Martin, 391
  40. Alex, 388
  41. Vince, 370
  42. Gábor, 365
  43. János, 358 (tie)
  44. Patrik, 358 (tie)
  45. Ábel, 357
  46. Bendegúz, 337
  47. Erik, 328
  48. Zsolt, 323
  49. Krisztián, 315
  50. József, 283

Notably, the girls’ top 50 included three different versions of the name Sophia: Zsófia, Szofia, and Szófia. If the spellings had been combined, the Sophia-group would have ranked 2nd overall.

The girls’ top 100 included Zorka (70th), Fruzsina (72nd), Kinga (86th), and Kincso (96th).

The boys’ top 100 included Csaba (55th), Kende (75th), Imre (76th), and Gellért (92nd).

Finally, here are Hungary’s rankings for 2017 through 2020, in case you’d like to compare.

Sources: Statistics – Hungary’s Deputy State Secretariat for the Administration of the Ministry of the Interior, Number of live births in Hungary from 2010 to 2021 – Statista, Hungary – Wikipedia, Magyar Keresztnevek Tara, Wiktionary

Image: Adapted from Flag of Hungary (public domain)

Popular baby names in Slovakia, 2022

Flag of Slovakia
Flag of Slovakia

Holy early baby name rankings, Batman!

On November 30, the government of Slovakia — thumbing its nose at the entire month of December — went ahead and released the official list of the country’s top baby names of 2022.

The #1 names? Sofia and Jakub.

Here are Slovakia’s top 20 girl names and top 20 boy names of (the first eleven months of) 2022:

Girl Names

  1. Sofia
  2. Eliška
  3. Nina
  4. Ema
  5. Viktória
  6. Natália
  7. Nela
  8. Sára
  9. Mia
  10. Olívia
  11. Diana
  12. Hana
  13. Anna
  14. Tamara
  15. Júlia
  16. Laura
  17. Emma
  18. Karolína
  19. Michaela
  20. Rebeka

Boy Names

  1. Jakub
  2. Samuel
  3. Adam
  4. Michal
  5. Oliver
  6. Filip
  7. Tomáš
  8. Martin
  9. Matej
  10. Richard
  11. Lukáš
  12. Alex
  13. Matúš
  14. Šimon
  15. Tobias
  16. Ján
  17. Peter
  18. Dávid
  19. Dominik
  20. Patrik

The last time I posted rankings for Slovakia, in 2018, the top two names were also Sofia and Jakub.

Sources: Top baby names in Slovakia for 2022 announced, Najoblubenejšími menami detí narodených v roku 2022 sú Sofia a Jakub

Image: Adapted from Flag of Slovakia (public domain)