2la (“too-la”): The first number-name in Britain?

In the early 1990s, Eric Fotherby of Derbyshire, England, welcomed two daughters: Zanya Obea and Zaedea 2la (middle name pronounced too-la).

The BBC ran an article on the family in the year 2000, when Zanya was 9 years old and Zaedea was 7.

Eric said both of the girls’ names came to him in dreams.

“I had a terrible time getting the registrar to accept the spelling of 2la, but that was how I dreamt it so I stuck to it and they eventually agreed.”

He added: “She is the first baby in Britain to be registered with a number in her name.”

What are your thoughts on using numbers in names?

Source: “‘I’m not a name, I’m a number’.” BBC News 9 Feb. 2000.

3 thoughts on “2la (“too-la”): The first number-name in Britain?

  1. I met Eric when we were both mature students in 1983. We sat together in class and over time discussed our lives. Eric’s life was certainly interesting and he was a very intelligent man with an individual personality.
    I understand that he had since sadly passed. Best wishes to his family.

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