Baby name directory, blog, & timeline


Welcome to Nancy’s Baby Names, which has been publishing fun, fact-based baby name content since 2006!


Want to see tens of thousands of baby names? Every single name that’s ever been included in the U.S. baby name data? Check out the directory:

From the directory, you can easily access each name’s popularity graph and data table.


Want in-depth information about certain names? Take a look at the blog, which features thousands of posts in various categories. Here are a few examples:

The latest posts — plus a few of my all-time faves — are listed in the sidebar. (If you’re on a phone, just scroll down to see the sidebar.)


Want to take a look at U.S. history through the lens of baby names? Click over to the timeline, which highlights thousands of historically significant baby names from decades (and centuries) past. You could start with one of the following years:


[Latest update: Dec. 2024]