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Posts that mention the name Patti

Celebrity baby name: Gloria

Actress Maggie Gyllenhaal, who had her first baby girl five years ago, welcomed a second baby girl in April. The first daughter was named Ramona, and the second has been named Gloria.

Why Gloria?

Here’s what she told talk show host Jimmy Fallon last month:

Maggie: We thought of her name when we were at this concert that Patti Smith played at. And she played Gloria.

Jimmy: Oh she does one of the best versions of Gloria.

Maggie: Yeah. And it was a couple of years ago, and we just thought, “Maybe we’ll name our daughter that one day.”

The 1964 song “Gloria” [vid] was originally written and performed by Van Morrison and his band Them. Patti Smith’s version [vid] came out about a decade later, on her acclaimed album Horses (1975).

Source: Late Night With Jimmy Fallon NBC June 13, 2012 (