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Unusual baby names: Porsche, Audi, Just Trouble

Porsche coupe

Here are some interesting baby names from a pair of families in Texas:

  • Just Trouble: A baby boy born October 7 to John and Melissa Kelly of Longview was named Just Trouble Kelly. Why? His father explained that he wanted his son “to be a just, righteous person, and have Trouble as his middle name.”
  • Lexus, Porsche, Audi: Twin baby girls born October 28 to Craig and Sondra Harrington of Kilgore were named Porsche and Audi — to match the name of their big sister, 6-year-old Lexus.

Craig Harrington said he has always liked the name Porsche and wanted to give the name to their first child. Sondra Harrington said she already had picked the middle name Marie and did not like the combination.

“When I said no to Porsche, he looked up and saw a Lexus going by,” Sondra Harrington said.

Source: Slayton, Ashley and Rachel Phelps. “Babies ring in 2008 with unique names.” Longview News Journal 31 Dec. 2007.

Image: Adapted from 1964 Porsche coupe by Edgy01 under CC BY-SA 3.0.