Mark Ciptak of Tennessee has named his third child Sarah McCain Palin after John McCain and Sarah Palin.
Alarmingly, he did it behind his wife’s back. She apparently signed her name to the paperwork without realizing her husband had written “Sarah McCain Palin” in the spot where “Ava Grace” should have been.
He said:
We actually came up with the name Ava Grace, and I secretively went and got another set of forms to send to (Social Security officials and the Tennessee Department of Health), and as of this time, she (Layla) still doesn’t realize what I’ve done. I haven’t broken the news to her yet.
As of right now, I’m just trying to get up enough nerve to tell her what I’ve done and hope for the best. I hope I’m still living to tell the tale tomorrow. She thought it was a done deal with Ava Grace.
After he did tell her, later the same day, he said:
I don’t think she believes me yet. It’s going to take some more convincing.
Interestingly, Ciptak went on to say that he believed they’d be changing the name back to Ava: “[T]hat is more than likely going to be it, unless my wife wants to keep what I officially named (her).”
He’d been motivated to choose the name “Sarah McCain Palin” because he wanted to do his part to support the McCain/Palin campaign.
(Incidentally, their two older children are named Annika and Isaiah.)
Your thoughts on this?
Source: Carter County man surprises wife, names baby Sarah McCain Palin
Ava Grace is a gorgeous name! What a jerk.
ha, wow – I would be very upset if my husband did that , but at least the name can be changed so it’s not that big of a deal. I actually had a dream the other night that I had a baby boy and someone said a name and everyone around me thought that’s what I named him and I couldn’t get anyone to believe me that that wasn’t his name! It was terrifying!!
I have a list of over 150 baby names I like – so yeah I take the name thing ver seriously! :)
I would have killed him. Or at the very least make him wish he were dead. Imagine all the crap she will get on the play ground once her name is leaked. What if they don’t get elected, or their tenure is crappier than the one we are currently strapped into? UGH
Ava Grace is fabulous, tho Grace is my dogs name…so I am biased =]
Ava Grace was my great great grandmothers name. I remembering thinking it sounded so “old” when I was little, then grew up and thought it would be so beautiful and dignified and different for my daughter someday…and planned on using it until Grace hit the charts, and now Ava has skyrocketed too, and the two together?? >sigh< My unique charm of a name idea is gone, ha, the friends who once laughed at my idea now want to use it instead!!