In the original Pop Culture Baby Name Game, we tried to come up with pop culture-inspired names we think will debut on the SSA’s baby name list in 2011.
But why limit it to debuts? Let’s start another game, this one for names already on the list.
Which baby names will get a boost in 2011, thanks to popular culture?
Here are some possibilities:
- Siri
- Atlantis
- Alaric
- Pippa, Kate, William (royal wedding)
- Casey, Caylee, Anthony (Casey Anthony trial)
- Amy (Amy Winehouse)
- Gabrielle (Gabrielle Giffords)
- Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Cairo, and similar place-names (Arab Spring)
- Florence (mentioned by Julie)
- Betty, Adele, Gale, Monroe, and more (all mentioned by Maria)
What other names can you think of?
The rankings for 2011 will be out in a few weeks, so get your ideas in soon!
UPDATE, May 2012: Here are the results!
Timothy (Tebow), Steven (Jobs) – these names were on the decline from 2009 to 2010. It will be interesting if they go back up in 2011. My guess is they will.
Good ones! In fact, Tebow is also a good guess for the other game…
Naming your daughter Casey after that sorry excuse for a human being is just not ok in my book.
Other names:
Isaac (Teen Mom)
Jace (Teen Mom)
Carly (Teen Mom)
Bentley (Teen Mom)
Maci (Teen Mom)
Trayvon (murder case, victim)
George (murder case, murderer) – I hope not.
Harper (Beckham)
Crosby (Sidney Crosby)
Flynn (Orlando Bloom)
Milo (Alyssa Milano)
Aria (Pretty Little Liars)
Ezra (Pretty Little Liars)
Alaina (American Idol)
Elena (Vampire Diaries)
Damon (Vampire Diaries)
Morocco, Rocco
Charlie (for girls, Disney)
Boone, Kase, Weston, Easton, Ryker, Brantley, Colt (cowboy names)
Zayden (-aden names are migrating)
Kellan (Twilight)
Edith (Despicable Me & Downton Abbey)
Arthur (Inception character and Russel Brand Movie)
Asa (child actor Asa Butterfield)
Roy (Phillies pitcher Roy Halladay)
let me think…
Rue (Hunger Games)
Pippa or Philippa (Middleton)
Arya (Game of Thrones)
Berenice (Béjo, from The Artist)
Octavia (Spencer, from The Help)
Bruno (Mars)
Mylo (Xyloto, Coldplay’s album?)
celebrity babies:
Nia Long had a son named Kez in November.
Kez has only made the SSA’s list once before (in 1994, w/ 5 baby boys) but I think — even though November is pretty late in the year — this could bring it back.
I can’t wait for the 2011 name list!
Milo was already trending upwards. I think Alyssa Milano was following, not setting, any trends. But I can see Milo rising more dramatically possibly because of her.
Hattie is a good one. I see Henrietta and Harriet also rising as another path to Hattie as a nickname.
Pippa / Philippa and Adele are good ones.
Nicki, for Nicki Minaj