One of the local radio stations on Cape Cod (where I grew up) is a classic rock station called PIXY 103 (WPXC).
Back then, one of PIXY’s annual publicity stunts involved baby names. To the parents of the first baby born on the Cape every year, the station would offer a cash prize…but only if the parents agreed to name their baby Pixy first. If Pixy was used as the first name, the parents got $1,000. If it was a middle, they got $500.
For years I wondered if any of those “first babies” were ever named Pixy.
Last night, I finally looked it up. (Why? Because Appellation Mountain’s Pixie post gave me a nudge.)
Turns out the answer is yes, at least one baby was named Pixy for the radio station. On the first day of 1998, the Cape Cod Times reported:
Over the years, only one family agreed to use PIXY as a middle name and then donated the money to charity, said station owner Maureen Makkay.
I’m not sure if the publicity stunt goes on to this day. If it does, perhaps there’s more than one PIXY namesake out there.
If someone offered you $1,000 to name your baby Pixy, would you do it? (Would gender be a deciding factor?)
Source: Friss, Gwenn. “It’s a girl! Shaylyn first in 1998.” Cape Cod Times 1 Jan. 1998.
$1000?? That’s an awfully low amount.
I’d consider it for a LOT more, like enough to put the kid through college or buy us a maid for the next 18 years or something.