Baby born on Aaxico flight, named Aaxico

AAXICO airplane (circa 1948)
AAXICO airplane

In January of 1947, a baby boy was born aboard an AAXICO flight en route to San Juan from New York.

The baby’s mother, Mrs. Rita Vega of Puerto Rico, decided to name him after the airline: Aaxico (an acronym for American Air Export & Import Company).

In return, the airline — which had been founded in Miami less than a year earlier — gave baby Aaxico a lifetime free pass.

Unfortunately, AAXICO ceased operations in 1966.


  • “Air Born Baby Gets Free Pass.” Milwaukee Journal 13 Jan. 1947: 3.
  • Tourists’ Airline.” Flying Feb. 1948: 24-25, 60.

7 thoughts on “Baby born on Aaxico flight, named Aaxico

  1. Where is Aaxico Vega today?

    My 2 uncles worked for the airline and I remember them telling me this story. I would like to find out more thanks Mike Carroll Loxahatchee Florida

  2. Nancy Man Hope you can find more info on Aaxico Vega. I have my uncle Toms memoirs he dictated on to a tape recorder several stories about the airline, baby born one of them. Another interesting one was about a man that sealed himself up in a ice keg and Aaxico flew him to another near by airport in New York. sure would like some in put on these 2 stories

  3. Nancy Man A couple of years has passed. Any chance to take another look at the 2 stories my desist uncle mentioned on his taped memory’s of his Aaxico stories. thanks Mike standing by

  4. Hi Mike! I’m sorry, but I still haven’t come across any extra information on him. The only relevant results I can find online are newspaper articles about his birth. I can’t even find him when I do vital records searches.

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