Baby name predictions: Cypher, Elon, Macklemore

Which baby names will become more popular thanks to the events of 2013?

Here are some names that might catch on this year:

Macklemore & Ryan Lewis have had a lot of luck with their singles “Thrift Shop” and “Can’t Hold Us” during the first half of 2013.

Cypher & Kitai
Cypher Raige & Kitai Raige (played by Will Smith & Jaden Smith) are characters in the movie After Earth, released a week or so ago.

Armand “Armie” Hammer co-stars with Johnny Depp in The Lone Ranger, coming out next month. (He inherited his unusual name from great-grandpa Armand Hammer.)

Tesla & Elon
The Tesla Roadster and Tesla Motors co-founder Elon Musk (also known for PayPal & SpaceX) seem to be popping up in the news more and more lately.

Speaking of names in the news…NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden has been a fixture in the news for a couple of weeks now.

What other names would you add to this list?

24 thoughts on “Baby name predictions: Cypher, Elon, Macklemore

  1. Harley, the little boy sidekick to Iron Man.

    Bailey, the newborn son of Meredith Grey on Grey’s Anatomy.

    Gatsby, may get a boost from the movie

    Theodora, Mila Kunis’ character on Oz The Great And Powerful

    Finley, also from Oz The Great And Powerful

  2. Armand Hammer — now that’s a “pun name” preceeding North West by a century!

    * Robin (for a boy), à la Robin Thicke
    * whatever the Royal baby is named (even if it’s a more unusual middle name)
    * Benedict — Benedict Cumberbatch (is this the year when he becomes a star?)
    * Francis / Frances — the new Pope
    * Neymar (the Brazillian footballer who just transfered to Barcelona)
    * Thatcher (Margaret’s death… could some American conservatives pick it up?)
    * Quevenzhané

  3. Have been tuning in to the TX filibuster drama for the last few hours. Wonder if the name Wendy (for Wendy Davis) will see more usage next year…

  4. Speaking of Snowden: What about Evo, after Bolivian president Evo Morales who offered asylum to Snowden (but was wise enough to not transport him in his presidential airplane!)

  5. Maybe some names from “The Hobbit” can rise … what about a re-appearance of Bilbo?

  6. The next hero from the Snowden saga: Ladar Levison of Lavabit who rather gave up his buisiness than deliver his customer’s data to the NSA.

    Will there be babies named Ladar this year?

  7. Interesting!

    Here’s more on Ladar, from Forbes.

    Even Levison could be tempting, I think, given both the rising popularity of Levi and the trendiness of -son names (e.g., Mason, Jackson).

    If this guy becomes a fixture in the news, these are some intriguing possibilities…

  8. Here is a prediction for 2014: Ska (for girls).

    The green parties of Europe surprisingly elected Ska Keller as their female¹ first candidate for the european elections. So she will have lots of press coverage on the old continent, and some spill-over to the US might happen.

    ¹The green parties also have a male first candidate, José Bové from France.

  9. Another prediction for 2014: L’Wren (to appear in the SSA statistics as Lwren because of ignored apostrophes and other fancy things), for Mick Jaggers girl friend L’Wren Scott.

  10. Yes! Good one. I bookmarked the news about L’Wren Scott as soon as I saw it.

    Interesting aside: Her birth name was Luann, but she changed it to L’Wren when she was a struggling model in LA in the mid-’80s:

    ‘She came home so excited and said: ‘”[They] want me to change my name to something exotic to match my looks.”

    ‘When she told me the name I said: “Lauren, like Ralph Lauren?” and she said, “No, L’Wren like an exotic bird.”

    ‘They tagged on Scott for no other reason except it sounded good.’

    Source: Daily Mail

  11. Here is another interesting name connected with Edward Snowden: Plato. Plato Cacheris is a lawyer trying to pave a way for Edward Snowden to return to the USA.

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