A baby girl born in North Carolina in early January was named Tali’Zorah (full first name) after a character in the video game Mass Effect.
Tali’Zorah’s father, Adam, said the name was his wife’s idea:
“I was playing the first Mass Effect while she enjoyed it as a spectator, and she fell in love with the name ‘Tali’Zorah’ the instant we met the Quarian being hunted by Fist.
“She told me back then, ‘If we ever have a daughter, I’d love to name her Tali’Zorah,'” Adam said. “It just sounds so beautiful.”
Is he worried Tali’Zorah might be teased about her unusual name?
“Kids will pick on other kids, whether it’s for a name, their hair, or their clothes, so the best I can do is to teach her how to treat people with respect and how to handle those who refuse to do the same.”
Good answer.
What do you think of the name Tali’Zorah? (Her middle name is Rose, btw.)
Source: This Baby’s Name Comes From Mass Effect, and Grandma is Thrilled
Other video game baby names: Dovahkiin, Kain, Kairi, Raiden, Rinoa, Zelda. Not Turok, though.