In 1916, the London Globe mentioned twins named Jere and Miah:
There lived for many years in the village of Twerton, Bath, one named Miah. He was born a twin, and his parents thriftily divided the predestined name of Jeremiah between them, the other babe being christened Jere.
What other names could we divide into two usable mini-names like this?
Here are a few ideas to kick things off…
Abigail, Abi + Gail Anastasia, Ana + Stasia Calista, Cal + Ista Drusilla, Dru + Silla Elizabeth, Eliza + Beth Mozelle, Mo + Zelle Valentina, Valen + Tina | Alexander, Alex + Ander Christopher, Chris + Topher Denzel, Den + Zel Donovan, Dono + Van Joseph, Jo + Seph Rexford, Rex + Ford William, Wil + Liam |
…what others can you think of?
Source: “Some Odd Christian Names.” Bee [Earlington, KY] 8 Dec. 1916: 8.
Image: Adapted from TS 2016-09-15-3252 by teteria sonnna under CC BY 2.0.
Fun but surprisingly hard!
Magdalena = Magda + Lena
Leanora = Lea + Nora
Justinian = Justin + Ian
Odd indeed…
Yeah, not so easy! If anyone else wants to play, here are some name lists that might help: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 (these are letter lengths).
Bea + Triss (Trice or Trix)
Mac + Kenzie
Ox + Ford
Joe + Siah
Cy + Russ
Wow, these could go forever! Interesting topic.
Frederic = Fred & Eric or Fredrick = Fred & Rick
Paulina = Paul & Ina
Jeffrey = Jeff & Rey
Annabel = Ann & Abel
Katerina = Kate & Rina
Joelle = Jo & Elle
Samira = Sam & Ira
Albert = Al & Bert
Natasha = Nat & Asha
Patrick = Pat & Rick
Rihanna = Ri + Hannah
Rebecca = Ri + Becca
(These both use Ri because I think it’s a good name for some reason)
That’s a terribly bad idea to name twins in two names. They are individuals, not a “half”. Psychology bad.
Rosemary : Rose & Mary!
A lot of them have belle or Bella on the end
Antonella, Anton + Ella
Bradford, Brad + Ford
Franklyn, Frank + Lyn
Gilbert, Gil + Bert
Jonathan, Jo + Nathan
Lorianne, Lori + Anne
Louella, Lou + Ella
Luann, Lu + Ann
Sullivan, Sulli + Van
Winnifred, Winni + Fred
Helen + Ana = Helena or Helenana