Five-name Friday: Boy name for Maximus & Audrey’s brother

You’re in the optometrist’s waiting room for the second time today, surrounded by magazines you can’t read because they’ve just given you the dilating eye drops. So you strike up a conversation with a nearby patient who happens to be pregnant. At one point she mentions that she can’t figure out what to name baby #3. She says:

Boy names are incredibly impossible for me. What would you name a brother for Maximus and Audrey?

You’re a name-lover, and you could potentially give her dozens of great suggestions on the spot. But you’ll be called in for the second part of your appointment any minute now, so you only have time to give her five baby name suggestions.

But here’s the fun part: Instead of blurting out the first five names you come up with (which is what you’d be forced to do in real life) you get to press a magical “pause” button, brainstorm for a bit, and then “unpause” the scenario to offer her the best five names you can think of.

Here are a few things to keep in mind as you brainstorm:

  • Be independent. Decide on your five names before looking at anyone else’s five names.
  • Be sincere. Would you honestly suggest these particular baby names out loud to a stranger in the mall?
  • Five names only! All names beyond the first five in your comment will be either deleted or replaced with nonsense words.

Finally, here’s the request again:

Boy names are incredibly impossible for me. What would you name a brother for Maximus and Audrey?

Which five baby names are you going to suggest?

16 thoughts on “Five-name Friday: Boy name for Maximus & Audrey’s brother

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