Five-name Friday: Girl name for Augustus’ sister

Welcome to Five Name Friday! Here’s today’s baby name request:

We’re expecting a baby girl and the challenge is to find a name that sounds good with Augustus/Gus (our son) but that doesn’t have the same old/heavy style (we do not want Octavia, Florence, Winifred, or any name like that). Our last name starts with L and has three syllables.

Can you come up with five great baby name suggestions for this person?

Here are the rules:

  • Be independent. Decide on your five names before looking at anybody else’s five names.
  • Be sincere. Would you honestly suggest your five names to somebody in real life?
  • Five names only please! All names beyond the first five in your comment will be deleted.

Which five baby names are you going to suggest?

24 thoughts on “Five-name Friday: Girl name for Augustus’ sister

  1. I like the pattern of having a name from Latin or with more syllables (because it’s stately) but having a greater proportion of vowels so that the name sounds ‘flowier’.

    My thoughts:


  2. Cloelia
    Marguerite (with the D flower name that has been suggested above as a nickname)

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