The name Sharlie popped up in the U.S. baby data for the very first time in 1933. It was the second-highest girl-name debut that year after Gayleen.
- 1935: not listed
- 1934: 10 baby girls named Sharlie
- 1933: 20 baby girls named Sharlie [debut]
- 1932: not listed
- 1931: not listed
What was the inspiration?
My guess is the story Sharlie, which was written by American author Beatrice Burton and serialized in various King Features Syndicate newspapers in late 1932 and early 1933.
The main character was “pretty, vivacious Sharlie Dunn.”
What are your thoughts on the name Sharlie?
- Burton, Beatrice. “Sharlie.” Nelson Daily News 18 Jul. 1933: 4.