The baby names below saw sudden changes in usage during the 1910s thanks to the influence of historical events. I’ve written explanatory blog posts about some of them — please click the links to learn more!
To check out history-influenced baby names from other decades, visit the baby name timeline main page.
1919 Movie character: Nedda
1919 Movie: Itasca
1919 Literary characters: Viviette, Tharon
1918 War: Victor, Victory, Liberty, Pershing, Foch, Marne, Allenby, Tasker, Armistice, Peace, Freedom, Wilson
1918 Movie characters: Laurella, Philippa
1918 Actor: Allyn
1918 Literary character: Theophila
1917 News: Neysa
1917 Politics: Jeannette, Mcadoo, Westmoreland
1917 Movie characters: Chonita, Patria
1917 Actor: Seena
1917 Literary character: Tessibel
1917 Product: Laurece
1916 War: Verdun, Funston, Tatsuo
1916 Politics: Woodrow, Hughes
1916 Immigration: Cono
1916 Movie characters: Nokomis, Ysobel, Fortune
1916 Theater character: Wetona
1916 Actor: Ormi
1916 Literary character: Ortrude, Trudis
1916 Products: Adora, Anola
1916 Brand: Milady
Here are the names for 1915.
Here are the names for 1914.
Here are the names for 1913.
Here are the names for 1912.
Here are the names for 1911.
Here are the names for 1910.
More Names
Other historically significant baby names bestowed in the U.S. during the 1910s include Butterine, Carpathia, Ida Lewis, Nazimova, Oleomargarine, Robert La Follette, Sissieretta, and Titanic.