How popular is the baby name Kainoakupuna in the United States right now? How popular was it historically? Use the popularity graph and data table below to find out! Plus, see all the blog posts that mention the name Kainoakupuna.

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Popularity of the baby name Kainoakupuna

Posts that mention the name Kainoakupuna

Names that mean “name”

Jheronimus signature

I love coming across personal names with definitions that refer to names. Some examples:

  • Behnam means “good name” in Persian.
  • Hieronymus, meaning “sacred name,” is based on the Greek words hieros, “sacred,” and onoma, “name.”
    • Jerome is the English form of Hieronymus.
      • Jerónimo is the Spanish form of Jerome.
    • Jheronimus was the form of Hieronymus used by Dutch painter Hieronymus Bosch (1450-1516).
  • Kainoa, meaning “the namesake,” is based on the Hawaiian words ka, “the” (singular), and inoa, “name.”
    • Kainoakupuna means “the namesake of one’s ancestor.”
  • Nainoa, meaning “the namesakes,” is based on the Hawaiian words na, “the” (plural), and inoa, “name.”
  • Nergüi means “no name” in Mongolian.
  • Shem means “name” in Hebrew. (The eldest of Noah’s three sons was called Shem.)
    • Sem is a variant form of Shem. (It’s popular in The Netherlands right now.)

Do you know of any others?

Image: Adapted from Jheronimus Bosch 006 central panel 03 detail 01 (public domain)