Five-name Friday: Boy names like Simeon

It’s Five-Name Friday! Here’s today’s baby name request:

I love the names Simeon and Gideon, but DH doesn’t like Gideon and I’m afraid Simeon will always be called Simon. What other names have the same “flavor” as these?

Can you come up with five solid baby name suggestions for this person?

Here are the rules:

  • Be independent. Choose your five names before looking at anyone else’s comment.
  • Be sincere. Stick to legit recommendations you would offer a real-life friend.
  • Five names total in your comment. If you go over, I will delete the extras.

Which five baby names are you going to suggest?

Five-name Friday: Girl name for Benjamenne’s sister

It’s Five-Name Friday! Here is today’s baby name request:

Sister for our daughter Benjamenne Rosemarie. Practically unheard-of female variation on a traditionally male name, please.

Can you come up with five solid baby name suggestions for this person?

As usual, the rules:

  • Be independent. Choose your five names before looking at anyone else’s comment.
  • Be sincere. Stick to legit recommendations you would offer a real-life friend.
  • Five names total in your comment, please. If you go over, the extras will be deleted.

Which five baby names are you going to suggest?

Update, 7/5/20: I’m sorry I’ve had to edit so many of the comments, you guys, but that’s the challenge — just 5 names! No need to add the male names. ;) Otherwise, great suggestions so far!

Five-name Friday: Girl name for Zion’s sister

It’s time for a Five-Name Friday baby name request! Here we go:

We’re expecting a baby girl, her brothers are Zion and Isaiah. We’d like a strong sassy name that sounds good with her brothers’ names, no need to be biblical.

Can you come up with five solid baby name suggestions for this person?

As usual, here are the rules:

  • Be independent. Choose your five names before looking at anyone else’s comment.
  • Be sincere. Stick to legit recommendations you would offer a real-life friend.
  • Five names total in your comment, please. If you go over, the extras will be deleted.

So, which five baby names are you going to suggest?

Five-name Friday: Boy name for Caleb & Isabella’s brother

It’s Five-Name Friday! Here’s today’s (very concise) baby name request:

Brother for Caleb and Isabella. Cannot be a word name.

Can you come up with five solid baby name suggestions for this person?

Here are the rules:

  • Be independent. Choose your five names before looking at anyone else’s comment.
  • Be sincere. Stick to legit recommendations you would offer a real-life friend.
  • Five names total in your comment. If you go over, I will delete the extras.

Which five baby names are you going to suggest?