Covid, Corona, Lockdown: More virus-inspired baby names

Illustration of the COVID-19 virus
COVID-19 virus

A couple of weeks ago I posted about a pair of Filipino babies allegedly named Covid.

Last week, at least four more newborns with virus-inspired names — all from India — made headlines.

One was a baby girl named Corona, another was a baby boy named Lockdown, and the last two were boy-girl twins named Covid and Corona.

Corona was born the day the Janata Curfew went into effect (March 22). She was named by her uncle, Nitesh Tripathi, who said: “The virus is no doubt dangerous and it has killed so many people in the world, but it has also inculcated many good habits in us and brought the world closer. This baby will be the symbol of people’s unity to fight the evil.”

Lockdown was born last Monday. He was named by his father, Pawan Prasad, who explained: “He was born during lockdown. We appreciate Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s efforts to enforce lockdown and save the people from the coronavirus pandemic. The lockdown is in national interest and so we decided to name the child as Lockdown.”

Covid and Corona were born on March 27. Their mother, Preeti Verma, said: “The delivery happened after facing several difficulties, and therefore, me and my husband wanted to make the day memorable. We finally decided to name them after the pandemic. […] We wished to ease the anxiety and fear associated with these words and also make the occasion memorable.”


Sources: After ‘Corona’ girl, newborn named ‘Lockdown’ in India, Two UP families name their babies ‘Corona’ and ‘Lockdown’, Baby twins named Corona and Covid after lockdown birth in India

Image: COVID-19 virus (CDC)

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