Isabella and Jacob are already two of the top baby names in the nation. Emmett and Jasper have been on the rise since the 1970s. Alice began picking up steam a few years before Twilight was first published. But the other major Twilight names — Carlisle, Edward, Esmé and Rosalie — could use some help.
Here’s the current situation:
- Carlisle: unranked.
- Edward: ranked 148th, but slowly sinking since peaking at 8th in the 1910s-1920s.
- Esmé: unranked.
- Rosalie: unranked.
I believe Edward stands the best chance of benefiting from America’s Twilight craze, both because it’s already moderately popular and because it features more prominently in the story than the other three names. I do hope Carlisle, Esmé and Rosalie get a boost as well, though. (Esmé especially — I think it would be a lovely alternative to names like Emily and Emma.)
What do you think: Will a book about the undead be able to bring any of these names back to life? If so, which one(s)?
I haven’t read the book or watched the movie, but I’ve already been hearing CULLEN thrown around a lot more these days.
I haven’t read the books, although all my mom-friends have! Anyway, I have a Sophia Esme and I would love to see that name become more popular because it is lovely (I got it from a JD Salinger story myself).
My son is Edward Leo Cassidy…we call him Leo. And we were actually asked by people in the hospital if it was because of Twilight that we gave him the name Edward. Blink. Blink. No, I would reply. His dad’s first name is Edward. (but he also doesn’t go by Edward, but Mike).
Interesting – I almost think Carlisle has more of a chance of catching on for girls. Edward might not make a statistical comeback, but, like Henry and Theodore, will probably FEEL more fashionable in the near future.
Esme seems to have been quietly headed for a breakthrough for a few years – I think she’ll pop, but the Twilight character is only part of that. Ditto Rosalie, though I doubt Rosalie will rise quite as high as Esme.
The name that might perk up as a result of Twilight is Cullen – the vamp family surname. He’s been on the decline for a few years, but I think he might come back from the dead (heh – sorry) spurred on by Twilight plus the ongoing search for two-syllable-ends-in-n names that are just a smidge different.
I agree about Cullen — could definitely be the next “it” name, for the very reason Abby mentioned.
I loved them all just finished Breaking Dawn last night. I think you either get the “magic’ or you don’t. Esme here in NZ was heard a lot middle of last year but didn’t make the top 100 for 2008. I hope Emmett doesn’t he is hubby and I favourite boys. I predict Alice will climb and I hope that Rose does I would prefer that to Rosalie her nickname in the last book was Rose.
I am almost 9 weeks pregnant. I won’t find out what the baby is until the end of September. If the baby is a girl, her name will be Esme Christine. Esme is such a lovely girly name! And it’s different. I like the fact that it’s not popular!
I have read the books…and I love them. My daughter (who is 38 weeks pregnant) started reading them right behind me and we have bonded so much through these books! She struggled with girl names, she wanted something that was classic, yet that no one else had, since there are so many Emmas & Emilys. She has chosen Rosalie, and I think it is so precious!!
well, i’m predicting that Edward, Esme & Rosalie will all climb in popularity. Carlisle is different though. It’s more “grandpa like” than the other three. I also agree that Cullen is going to become quite popular as a fn, not only because of the books & movies, but because currently there is a huge trend in turning Surnames into fn’s (e.g Jackson, Parker, Preston etc).
Alice is in line for a comeback too, it’s just too pretty (but i’m biased!)
I have a daughter named Rosalie and learned after the fact that this was a name of a Twilight character (i have never read the books). Honestly, I got a bit sick to my stomach from the news since we purposefully tried to pick an unranked name that wouldn’t be trendy. So here’s hoping it stays unranked! :)
I actually know a few babies named “Esme” born this year; I think it is beautiful and didn’t make the Twilight connection until I saw someone with a New Moon shirt at the screening last week.
Well I guess I’m the only non-mom here, but I was looking for names for book characters :P I personally adored the Twilight Saga and think all the names are lovely.
I think Esme might make a breakthrough soon, because it’s really a beautiful name, and if Esme Denters, an up-and-coming star who started on Youtube and got a deal with Justin Timberlake, gets any more famous, it will probably raise the name’s popularity.
Edward in my opinion will definitely rise in popularity, since he is the object of affection of many infatuated women around the world.
As for Rosalie and Carlisle, I’m not sure, but they might just make a comeback.
Ive got a daughter already who’s name is Emily and im currently 32 weeks pregnant and we have decided that we wanted a different name one thats not common so if its a girl she will be called Esme Rosalie and the her last name is Kelly. I think it sounds beautiful Esme Rosalie Kelly :-)
I’m not all that crazy about your “Esme Rosalie Kelly” name. It’s three times the girls names (depsite Kelly also being a boy’s name) It’s just Twilight imprinted on the baby entirely. That’s not right, honestly. Even if it sounds pretty. Just like I wouldn’t name my kid, “Miley Ray Cyrus” or “Destiny Hope Cyrus”- she’d just be in for it.
As for the names, I know only 2 Carlisles. They’re last names, however, the ones I know. For Esme, I have met one while on a trip, and Rosalie- pretty, just not common. Right now, my daughter’s name is Holly Tyne Roslyn. Sometwhat like Rosalie-ish.
Rosalie is my name. I never liked it, but now it seems everyone else does…
I’m not a mom yet, but if my husband agrees we will name our child Rosalie Kyra and if it’s a boy I would love to call him Carlisle. I chose Carlisle because when I was little I wanted to call my son Castle but I thought he would get bullied, so now there is this Castle Carlisle so I really thought that it was a sign. By the way, I would also prefer the names Emmett and Alice. My friends name is Elles so that is funny.
my baby is 3 months and we named her rosalie briley. i love twilight and first heard rosalie there. thats not why i named her that though i just fell in love with the name