How popular is the baby name Rosalie in the United States right now? How popular was it historically? Use the popularity graph and data table below to find out! Plus, see all the blog posts that mention the name Rosalie.

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Popularity of the baby name Rosalie

Posts that mention the name Rosalie

Popular and unique baby names in Austria, 2023

Flag of Austria
Flag of Austria

Last year, the European country of Austria welcomed 77,605 babies — 37,596 girls and 40,009 boys.

What were the most popular names among these babies? Emilia and Paul.

Here are Austria’s top 50 girl names and top 50 boy names of 2023:

Girl names

  1. Emilia, 638 baby girls
  2. Marie, 554
  3. Emma, 517
  4. Anna, 514
  5. Mia, 509
  6. Sophia, 471
  7. Valentina, 446
  8. Lena, 434
  9. Lea, 427
  10. Laura, 420
  11. Johanna, 413
  12. Lina, 412
  13. Leonie, 387
  14. Sophie, 381
  15. Hannah, 363
  16. Luisa, 362
  17. Ella, 345
  18. Olivia, 334
  19. Lara, 332
  20. Elena, 318
  21. Nora, 312
  22. Magdalena, 273
  23. Amelie, 268
  24. Mila, 264
  25. Antonia, 262
  26. Helena, 260
  27. Hanna, 252
  28. Lia, 240
  29. Valerie, 236
  30. Isabella, 223
  31. Katharina, 215 (tie)
  32. Sarah, 215 (tie)
  33. Sara, 209
  34. Klara, 207
  35. Theresa, 199
  36. Ida, 195 (tie)
  37. Miriam, 195 (tie)
  38. Elisa, 193
  39. Rosa, 191 (tie)
  40. Sofia, 191 (tie)
  41. Julia, 190
  42. Alina, 186
  43. Elina, 182
  44. Marlene, 181 (tie)
  45. Paula, 181 (tie)
  46. Paulina, 180
  47. Livia, 179
  48. Emily, 176
  49. Clara, 173
  50. Rosalie, 162

Boy names

  1. Paul, 687 baby boys
  2. Jakob, 660
  3. Elias, 625
  4. Maximilian, 620
  5. Felix, 596
  6. Noah, 577
  7. Leon, 572
  8. David, 535
  9. Tobias, 528
  10. Jonas, 520
  11. Leo, 506
  12. Lukas, 484
  13. Moritz, 447
  14. Matteo, 411
  15. Alexander, 406
  16. Theo, 397
  17. Anton, 389
  18. Fabian, 385
  19. Liam, 374
  20. Julian, 369
  21. Simon, 363
  22. Emil, 350
  23. Valentin, 337
  24. Luca, 320
  25. Florian, 315
  26. Matthias, 313
  27. Samuel, 308
  28. Johannes, 283
  29. Gabriel, 279 (tie)
  30. Raphael, 279 (tie)
  31. Lorenz, 272 (tie)
  32. Luis, 272 (tie)
  33. Theodor, 263
  34. Benjamin, 251
  35. Sebastian, 222
  36. Oskar, 216
  37. Niklas, 215
  38. Levi, 213
  39. Finn, 209
  40. Emilio, 207 (tie)
  41. Jonathan, 207 (tie)
  42. Adam, 206 (tie)
  43. Michael, 206 (tie)
  44. Ben, 201
  45. Oliver, 200
  46. Fabio, 193
  47. Mateo, 191
  48. Konstantin, 189 (tie)
  49. Max, 189 (tie)
  50. Luka, 183

In the boys’ top 100 were Ferdinand (60th), Erik (75th), Clemens (84th), and Muhammed (95th).

In the girls’ top 100 were Aurelia (61st), Frida (78th), Mathea (83rd), and Lotta (92nd).

Lower down in the rankings I spotted…

  • Girl names:
    • Finja (53 babies)
    • Dunja (22) – means “quince” in several South Slavic languages
    • Florentine (10)
    • Pelin (8) – means “wormwood” in Turkish
    • Neele (6)
    • Hannelore (4)
    • Philia (3)
  • Boy names:
    • Fridolin (184 babies)
    • Nepomuk (6) – refers to St. John of Nepomuk
    • Amadeus (4)
    • Thorin (4)
    • Atdhe (3) – means “fatherland” in Albanian
    • Pirmin (3) – refers to St. Pirmin
    • Toprak (2) – means “earth, soil,” “land,” or “country” in Turkish

Thousands of other names were given to a single baby each in Austria last year. Here’s a selection of the names that were bestowed just once:

Unique girl namesUnique boy names
Aristhea, Berivan, Cleophea, Diola, Elfriede, Fancy, Filianore, Galia, Helly, Irmlind, Julita, Katalia, Lysithea, Mitravinda, Nihira, Orbita, Priska, Qunut, Rudolfina, Silke, Thabea, Uresa, Valina, Weiyu, Xena, Ylenia, ZilliAnadin, Bendix, Crown, Dastan, Elino, Frowin, Guntram, Hannan, Itgelt, Jaryl, Kordian, Lambert, Medardus, Metatron, Nainoa, Oswald, Pim, Qibin, Reinhold, Siegfried, Torger, Uriel, Volodymyr, Willibald, Xichen, Yuzuru, Zinar

Some possible influences/associations for a few of the above:

  • Filianore is a character in the video game Dark Souls III (2016) — specifically, in the downloadable content pack Dark Souls III: The Ringed City (2017).
  • St. Frowin of Engelberg was a 12th-century Swiss German abbot.
  • Itgelt is likely based on the Mongolian word itgel, meaning “faith, belief.”
  • Kordian is the main character of the Polish drama Kordian (1834) by Juliusz Slowacki.
  • Lysithea refers to several figures in Greek mythology, as well as to a character in the video game Fire Emblem: Three Houses (2019).
  • Metatron is an archangel mentioned in Jewish folklore.
  • Volodymyr Zelenskyy is the president of Ukraine.
  • St. Willibald was an 8th-century Englishman who became a bishop in Bavaria.

Finally, here’s a link to Austria’s 2022 rankings, if you’d like to compare last year to the year before.

Sources: First names of newborns – Statistics Austria (in German), Atlas der Vornamen – Statistics Austria, Demographic characteristics of newborns – Statistics Austria, Behind the Name, Wiktionary

Image: Adapted from Flag of Austria (public domain)

Popular and unique baby names in Quebec (Canada), 2023

Flag of Quebec
Flag of Quebec

Of the thirteen provinces and territories of Canada, Quebec is the second-largest in terms of both population (after Ontario) and area (after Nunavut).

Last year, Quebec welcomed close to 78,000 babies. What were the most popular names among these babies? Alice/Florence (tied) and Noah.

Here are Quebec’s top 50 girl names and top 50 boy names of 2023:

Girl names

  1. Alice, 465 baby girls (tie)
  2. Florence, 465 (tie)
  3. Emma, 456
  4. Olivia, 430
  5. Charlie, 415
  6. Charlotte, 405
  7. Livia, 359
  8. Lea, 326
  9. Beatrice, 300 (tie)
  10. Juliette, 300 (tie)
  11. Clara, 296
  12. Mila, 295
  13. Romy, 294 (tie)
  14. Sofia, 294 (tie)
  15. Rose, 291
  16. Zoe, 280
  17. Mia, 253
  18. Eva, 222
  19. Rosalie, 211
  20. Chloe, 208
  21. Leonie, 200
  22. Victoria, 189
  23. Flavie, 188 (tie)
  24. Julia, 188 (tie)
  25. Jade, 183
  26. Adele, 180 (tie)
  27. Elena, 180 (tie)
  28. Maeva, 177
  29. Billie, 175
  30. Amelia, 159 (tie)
  31. Jeanne, 159 (tie)
  32. Raphaelle, 158
  33. Ophelie, 145
  34. Sophia, 144
  35. Margot, 142
  36. Eleonore, 140
  37. Sophie, 133
  38. Elizabeth, 132
  39. Clemence, 127
  40. Ellie, 124 (tie)
  41. Flora, 124 (tie)
  42. Camille, 123 (3-way tie)
  43. Laura, 123 (3-way tie)
  44. Maya, 123 (3-way tie)
  45. Lily, 121
  46. Simone, 119
  47. Jasmine, 115
  48. Mathilde, 109
  49. Sarah, 105
  50. Anna, 104

Boy names

  1. Noah, 613 baby boys
  2. Liam, 556
  3. Leo, 549
  4. Thomas, 535
  5. William, 520
  6. Edouard, 495
  7. Jacob, 468
  8. Louis, 427
  9. Nathan, 400
  10. Arthur, 398
  11. Emile, 378
  12. Charles, 369
  13. Theo, 357
  14. Jules, 346
  15. Arnaud, 329
  16. James, 320
  17. Adam, 318
  18. Logan, 310
  19. Raphael, 299
  20. Felix, 293
  21. Theodore, 273
  22. Laurent, 272
  23. Lucas, 266
  24. Victor, 259
  25. Elliot, 258
  26. Eloi, 254
  27. Henri, 251
  28. Benjamin, 245
  29. Jackson, 233
  30. Gabriel, 218 (tie)
  31. Milan, 218 (tie)
  32. Olivier, 207
  33. Nolan, 201
  34. Samuel, 194
  35. Matheo, 189
  36. Eli, 188 (tie)
  37. Ethan, 188 (tie)
  38. Jayden, 180
  39. Antoine, 175
  40. Alexis, 172
  41. Leonard, 149
  42. Matteo, 147
  43. Jake, 146
  44. Robin, 143
  45. Zack, 135
  46. Tristan, 132
  47. Luca, 128 (tie)
  48. Mayson, 128 (tie)
  49. Axel, 127
  50. Malik, 126

The girls’ top 100 included Romane (52nd), Lily-Rose (72nd), Yasmine (78th), and Lyvia (89th).

The boys’ top 100 included Hubert (58th), Eliott (64th), Romeo (78th), and Philippe (85th).

And what about the names at the other end of the spectrum? Here’s a selection of the baby names that were bestowed just once in Quebec last year:

Unique girl namesUnique boy names
Ateret, Balkissa, Clovia, Dunnia, Elisapee, Fauve, Genia, Hestelle, Inuluk, Japnaaz, Kaudjak, Luluthia, Miskomin, Namu, Orzala, Pimprenelle, Pulammaq, Qiana, Rydia, Subby, Tanilla, Ulluriaq, Ummaluk, Valerina, Wilsie, Xiran, Yoldez, ZivahAuklin, Benno, Clavis, Deepak, Endri, Ferruccio, Galvany, Heston, Inukpak, Jassir, Keslin, Latevi, Melrick, Naullaq, Nipin, Orphe, Puulik, Rayler, Sorance, Tsalel, Tukalak, Uasheshkuan, Vladan, Wistaron, Xincheng, Yuutin, Zuryel

Some definitions/associations for a few of the above:

  • Ateret means “crown” in Hebrew.
  • Fauve is French for “tawny” and, by extension, can refer to a big cat (such as a lion).
  • Inukpak means “giant” in Inuktitut.
  • Miskomin means “raspberry” in Ojibwe.
  • Naullaq is based on the Inuktitut word naulaq, which refers to a harpoon head.
  • Nipin means “summer” in Cree.
  • Pimprenelle is French for “burnet,” which refers to herbs of the genus Sanguisorba.
  • Pulammaq means “root” in Inuktitut.
  • Uasheshkuan means “the sky is clear, cloudless” in Innu.
  • Ulliriaq means “star” in Inuktitut.
  • Yuutin means “it is windy” in East Cree.

I also spotted a single girl named Chaya Mushka, and two other babies — one girl and one boy — named Mispun, meaning “it is snowing” in East Cree.

Finally, here’s a link to Quebec’s 2022 rankings, if you’d like to compare.


Image: Adapted from Flag of Quebec (public domain)

Most popular baby girl names (letter by letter) in the U.S. in 2023

First letter usage for baby girl names in the U.S. in 2023

Going letter by letter, what were last year’s most popular baby girl names?

Before we get to the lists, a few quick facts:

  • The most common first letter for girl names in 2023 was A (used 16.48% of the time), followed by E (9.49%) and M (9.17%).
  • The least common first letter for girl names in 2023 was U (used 0.04% of the time), followed by Q (0.24%) and X (0.32%).
  • The first letter that increased the most in usage for girl names (from 2022 to 2023) was D.
  • The first letter that decreased the most in usage for girl names (from 2022 to 2023) was A.

Top girl names starting with A:

  1. Amelia, 12,311 baby girls
  2. Ava, 9,682
  3. Aurora, 6,054
  4. Aria, 5,996
  5. Avery, 5,859
  6. Abigail, 5,661
  7. Addison, 3,520
  8. Alice, 3,336
  9. Adeline, 3,074
  10. Audrey, 3,032

Top girl names starting with B:

  1. Brooklyn, 2,850 baby girls
  2. Bella, 2,540
  3. Brielle, 2,064
  4. Brianna, 1,875
  5. Blakely, 1,854
  6. Bailey, 1,678
  7. Blake, 1,346
  8. Blair, 1,263
  9. Brynlee, 1,210
  10. Brooke, 1,032

Top girl names starting with C:

  1. Charlotte, 12,596 baby girls
  2. Camila, 7,565
  3. Chloe, 5,960
  4. Claire, 3,195
  5. Caroline, 2,859
  6. Cora, 2,738
  7. Clara, 2,648
  8. Charlie, 2,235
  9. Cecilia, 2,050
  10. Catalina, 1,928

Top girl names starting with D:

  1. Delilah, 4,031 baby girls
  2. Daisy, 2,412
  3. Diana, 1,307
  4. Delaney, 1,283
  5. Daphne, 1,257
  6. Daniela, 1,230
  7. Dahlia, 1,219
  8. Dakota, 1,183
  9. Danna, 1,052
  10. Dream, 920

Top girl names starting with E:

  1. Emma, 13,527 baby girls
  2. Evelyn, 9,082
  3. Eleanor, 6,739
  4. Elizabeth, 6,566
  5. Emily, 6,154
  6. Ellie, 5,951
  7. Ella, 5,643
  8. Eliana, 5,329
  9. Emilia, 4,670
  10. Elena, 4,261

Top girl names starting with F:

  1. Freya, 2,061 baby girls
  2. Faith, 1,256
  3. Finley, 1,106
  4. Fatima, 893
  5. Francesca, 820
  6. Fiona, 764
  7. Frances, 755
  8. Felicity, 676
  9. Fernanda, 653
  10. Faye, 610

Top girl names starting with G:

  1. Gianna, 6,129 baby girls
  2. Grace, 4,886
  3. Genesis, 3,651
  4. Gabriella, 2,782
  5. Georgia, 2,157
  6. Genevieve, 1,734
  7. Gemma, 1,649
  8. Gracie, 1,237
  9. Gia, 1,155
  10. Gabriela, 1,041

Top girl names starting with H:

  1. Harper, 7,769 baby girls
  2. Hazel, 6,154
  3. Hannah, 4,102
  4. Hailey, 2,776
  5. Hadley, 2,304
  6. Hallie, 1,553
  7. Haven, 1,353
  8. Harmony, 1,297
  9. Harlow, 1,266
  10. Hope, 1,011

Top girl names starting with I:

  1. Isabella, 10,808 baby girls
  2. Isla, 5,357
  3. Ivy, 5,036
  4. Iris, 2,921
  5. Isabelle, 1,785
  6. Isabel, 1,743
  7. Itzel, 839
  8. Imani, 645
  9. Izabella, 630
  10. Ivory, 581

Top girl names starting with J:

  1. Josephine, 3,347 baby girls
  2. Jade, 2,908
  3. Josie, 2,504
  4. Juniper, 2,382
  5. Julia, 2,290
  6. Juliette, 1,785
  7. June, 1,694
  8. Jasmine, 1,585
  9. Journee, 1,423
  10. Juliana, 1,240

Top girl names starting with K:

  1. Kinsley, 3,188 baby girls
  2. Kennedy, 3,069
  3. Kehlani, 1,854
  4. Katherine, 1,697
  5. Kaylee, 1,641
  6. Kaia, 1,608
  7. Kylie, 1,439
  8. Khloe, 1,381
  9. Kimberly, 1,329
  10. Kailani, 1,315

Top girl names starting with L:

  1. Luna, 7,811 baby girls
  2. Lily, 6,146
  3. Layla, 5,678
  4. Lucy, 4,858
  5. Leah, 3,953
  6. Lainey, 3,928
  7. Lillian, 3,927
  8. Leilani, 3,543
  9. Liliana, 2,787
  10. Lydia, 2,716

Top girl names starting with M:

  1. Mia, 11,359 baby girls
  2. Mila, 5,895
  3. Madison, 5,160
  4. Maya, 4,067
  5. Madelyn, 3,632
  6. Maeve, 3,046
  7. Maria, 2,893
  8. Madeline, 2,726
  9. Millie, 2,559
  10. Melody, 2,557

Top girl names starting with N:

  1. Nora, 5,994 baby girls
  2. Nova, 5,248
  3. Naomi, 4,456
  4. Natalie, 3,418
  5. Natalia, 2,717
  6. Nevaeh, 2,326
  7. Norah, 1,479
  8. Noelle, 1,451
  9. Nyla, 1,236
  10. Noa, 1,041

Top girl names starting with O:

  1. Olivia, 15,270 baby girls
  2. Oakley, 1,874
  3. Oaklynn, 1,815
  4. Olive, 1,640
  5. Ophelia, 1,166
  6. Octavia, 1,123
  7. Oaklee, 685
  8. Opal, 624
  9. Oakleigh, 596
  10. Oaklyn, 514

Top girl names starting with P:

  1. Penelope, 6,041 baby girls
  2. Paisley, 3,727
  3. Parker, 2,293
  4. Piper, 2,066
  5. Peyton, 1,953
  6. Phoebe, 1,580
  7. Presley, 1,517
  8. Palmer, 1,129
  9. Poppy, 1,072
  10. Payton, 990

Top girl names starting with Q:

  1. Quinn, 2,846 baby girls
  2. Quincy, 263
  3. Queen, 128
  4. Quetzaly, 72
  5. Quinley, 50
  6. Quetzalli, 44
  7. Qamar, 40
  8. Quetzali, 37
  9. Quinnley, 28
  10. Quincey, 27

Top girl names starting with R:

  1. Riley, 4,617 baby girls
  2. Ruby, 3,333
  3. Raelynn, 2,406
  4. Rylee, 2,328
  5. Rose, 2,237
  6. Remi, 2,170
  7. Reagan, 1,721
  8. Reese, 1,663
  9. Rosalie, 1,640
  10. Ruth, 1,594

Top girl names starting with S:

  1. Sophia, 11,944 baby girls
  2. Sofia, 7,641
  3. Scarlett, 6,288
  4. Stella, 4,357
  5. Sadie, 3,586
  6. Sophie, 3,578
  7. Sarah, 2,749
  8. Savannah, 2,739
  9. Serenity, 2,548
  10. Skylar, 2,522

Top girl names starting with T:

  1. Tatum, 1,314 baby girls
  2. Taylor, 1,185
  3. Talia, 1,181
  4. Teagan, 996
  5. Thea, 970
  6. Tessa, 960
  7. Trinity, 866
  8. Thalia, 520
  9. Tiana, 488
  10. Taytum, 430

Top girl names starting with U:

  1. Unique, 103 baby girls
  2. Ulani, 80
  3. Uma, 72
  4. Una, 48
  5. Unity, 46
  6. Unknown, 41
  7. Ursula, 39
  8. Uriyah, 22
  9. Uriah, 21
  10. Urvi, 19

Top girl names starting with V:

  1. Violet, 6,342 baby girls
  2. Victoria, 4,434
  3. Valentina, 4,075
  4. Vivian, 2,801
  5. Valerie, 1,944
  6. Valeria, 1,860
  7. Vera, 1,328
  8. Vivienne, 1,283
  9. Vanessa, 1,010
  10. Viviana, 844

Top girl names starting with W:

  1. Willow, 4,727 baby girls
  2. Wrenley, 1,654
  3. Wren, 1,537
  4. Winter, 826
  5. Wynter, 801
  6. Willa, 717
  7. Wrenlee, 512
  8. Winnie, 485
  9. Whitley, 383
  10. Waverly, 305 (tie)
  11. Winona, 305 (tie)

Top girl names starting with X:

  1. Ximena, 1,809 baby girls
  2. Xiomara, 761
  3. Xyla, 275
  4. Xena, 233
  5. Xochitl, 214
  6. Xolani, 176
  7. Xitlali, 135
  8. Xylah, 96
  9. Xenia, 75
  10. Xareni, 69

Top girl names starting with Y:

  1. Yaretzi, 547 baby girls
  2. Yara, 485
  3. Yareli, 388
  4. Yasmin, 309
  5. Yamileth, 292
  6. Yusra, 201
  7. Yuna, 198
  8. Yaritza, 183
  9. Yaneli, 162
  10. Yasmine, 158

Top girl names starting with Z:

  1. Zoe, 5,160 baby girls
  2. Zoey, 4,040
  3. Zuri, 1,471
  4. Zara, 1,282
  5. Zariah, 740
  6. Zahra, 543
  7. Zariyah, 457
  8. Zelda, 401
  9. Zaniyah, 382
  10. Zaria, 371

Source: SSA

Popular and unique baby names in Quebec (Canada), 2022

Flag of Quebec
Flag of Quebec

Of the thirteen provinces and territories of Canada, Quebec is the second-largest both in terms of population (after Ontario) and in terms of area (after Nunavut).

Last year, Quebec welcomed 80,700 babies. The most popular names among these babies? Emma and Noah.

Here are Quebec’s top 50 girl names and top 50 boy names of 2022:

Girl Names

  1. Emma, 520 baby girls
  2. Olivia, 476
  3. Charlotte, 465
  4. Charlie, 462
  5. Florence, 445
  6. Alice, 433
  7. Lea, 371 (tie)
  8. Livia, 371 (tie)
  9. Rose, 321
  10. Juliette, 315
  11. Romy, 314
  12. Clara, 308
  13. Beatrice, 292
  14. Zoe, 278
  15. Mia, 268
  16. Eva, 261
  17. Chloe, 260 (tie)
  18. Mila, 260 (tie)
  19. Rosalie, 250
  20. Sofia, 249
  21. Victoria, 239
  22. Julia, 234
  23. Leonie, 219
  24. Jade, 214
  25. Maeva, 202 (tie)
  26. Raphaelle, 202 (tie)
  27. Flavie, 182
  28. Jeanne, 182
  29. Amelia, 175
  30. Eleonore, 169
  31. Elena, 168
  32. Billie, 167
  33. Camille, 163 (tie)
  34. Ophelie, 163 (tie)
  35. Adele, 160
  36. Elizabeth, 158
  37. Sophie, 150
  38. Ellie, 145 (tie)
  39. Sophia, 145 (tie)
  40. Lily, 134
  41. Oceane, 125
  42. Flora, 120
  43. Maya, 118 (tie)
  44. Simone, 118 (tie)
  45. Eloise, 117
  46. Alicia, 116
  47. Mathilde, 114 (tie)
  48. Romane, 114 (tie)
  49. Gabrielle, 111 (tie)
  50. Lexie, 111 (tie)

Boy Names

  1. Noah, 650 baby boys
  2. William, 616
  3. Liam, 586
  4. Thomas, 571
  5. Leo, 563
  6. Edouard, 482
  7. Jacob, 451
  8. Arthur, 446 (tie)
  9. Louis, 446 (tie)
  10. Nathan, 430
  11. Emile, 429
  12. Charles, 408
  13. Felix, 400
  14. Theo, 385
  15. Logan, 384
  16. Adam, 369
  17. Arnaud, 349
  18. Raphael, 344
  19. Jules, 315
  20. James, 294
  21. Henri, 290
  22. Victor, 289
  23. Theodore, 277
  24. Lucas, 270
  25. Elliot, 261
  26. Laurent, 260
  27. Jackson, 259
  28. Benjamin, 256
  29. Nolan, 254
  30. Samuel, 247
  31. Alexis, 246
  32. Gabriel, 244
  33. Milan, 226
  34. Olivier, 223
  35. Antoine, 219
  36. Eloi, 218
  37. Ethan, 213
  38. Matheo, 211
  39. Jayden, 203
  40. Axel, 200
  41. Jake, 198
  42. Eli, 197
  43. Zack, 178
  44. Leonard, 164
  45. Robin, 163
  46. Louka, 157
  47. Mathis, 154
  48. Hubert, 148
  49. Zachary, 145
  50. Mayson, 143

The girls’ top 100 included Laurence (53rd), Clemence (71st), Stella (75th), and Dahlia (97th).

The boys’ top 100 included Tristan (55th), Ludovic (61st), Tyler (75th), and Maverick (93rd).

Below are some of the baby names that were bestowed just once in Quebec last year:

Unique Girl NamesUnique Boy Names
Arsaniq, Brythanie, Celestia, Dashnie, Everly-Andalucia, Florabelle, Guerlandine, Halanna, Itzia, Joneer, Kana, Lista, Midland, Namra, Orchina, Paulasie, Qullik, Raffie, Sirpaluk, Thelora, Uashtuashkuan, Veola, Wapikon, Xerra, Yrina, ZoulfaAdonijah, Brivael, Cleamsburg, Dodnerlyn, Enzau, Forty, Glauca, Halprin, Ihaziel, Joanassie, Kittir, Lorio, Mihkwaabin, Napessis, Orso, Pinaskin, Qumanguaq, Roosely, Shmaryahu, Timangiak, Uziar, Valmond, Waastuskun, Wakinyan, Xavyn, Yasten, Zotique

Some possible explanations/associations for a few of the above:

  • Arsaniq means “northern lights” in Inuktitut.
  • Glauca might be a reference to white spruce (Picea glauca), a type of tree found throughout Canada.
  • Napessis is based on napesis, the Cree word for “small boy.”
  • Qullik (like Qulliq in the 2021 data) refers to an Inuit soapstone lamp.
  • Qumanguaq (which was also used in 2020) refers to a mountain in Nunavut.
  • Sirpaluk refers to “one of the seal knucklebones used in an Inuit game.”
  • Uashtuashkuan means “northern lights” in Innu (which is related to Cree).
  • Waastuskun means “northern lights” in Cree.
  • Wakinyan means “thunder” in Lakota.
  • Zotique can be traced back to the ancient Greek word zotikos, meaning “full of life, alive.”

Joanassie and Paulasie (which were mentioned in the post about Canada’s 2021 rankings) are two examples of Inuktitut-influenced Christian names.

And one last name I wanted to throw in was Minokimin, which was part of a longer boy name bestowed in Quebec last year. Minokimin refers to one of the eight Algonquin seasons — specifically, to the period in late spring during which ice thaws and plants begin to grow.


Image: Adapted from Flag of Quebec (public domain)