How popular is the baby name Pedro in the United States right now? How popular was it historically? Use the popularity graph and data table below to find out! Plus, see all the blog posts that mention the name Pedro.
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The South American country of Uruguay doesn’t publish an annual list of top baby names per se, but Uruguay’s Dirección Nacional de Identificación Civil (DNIC) does release a list of all the names used among people who obtained their Uruguayan identity card for the first time within a given year.
As we saw in 2021 and 2020, the DNIC rankings combine all names (male and female) together on a single list, but don’t combine different forms of the same name (e.g., Maria and María) into single entries on that list. Most notably, the rankings account for not just first-name usage, but also second-name usage (as Uruguayans are allowed to include a maximum of two given names on their identity cards).
So now that we have all that out of the way… the DNIC data reveals that the most-registered names in the country in 2022 were María and Juan.
Here are Uruguay’s top 100+ registered names of 2022:
María, 1,170 babies
Juan, 1,138
Maria, 1,108
Isabella, 885
Benjamín, 780
Emma, 766
Mateo, 728
Valentina, 660
Catalina, 659
Luis, 648
Alejandro, 647
Martina, 640
Felipe, 637
Carlos, 589
Valentín, 568
Ezequiel, 562
Emilia, 559
Manuel, 556
Daniel, 555
Lorenzo, 550
Julieta, 546
José, 535
Gabriel, 518
Jose, 517
Nicolás, 491
Sofía, 486
Ignacio, 455
Alberto, 452
Santiago, 450
Francisco, 442
David, 438
Agustín, 435
Olivia, 429
Josefina, 422
Valentino, 416
Antonio, 410 (tie)
Lucas, 410 (tie)
Bautista, 405
Delfina, 396
Lautaro, 389
Benjamin, 384
Eduardo, 383
Belén, 378
Thiago, 372
Gael, 371
Santino, 370
Victoria, 367
Javier, 365
Agustina, 363
Jorge, 362
Emiliano, 358
Dante, 357
Alexander, 351
Tomás, 342
Paulina, 335
Miguel, 334
Rafael, 329
Ana, 324
Joaquín, 320
Samuel, 315
Pablo, 313
Sofia, 309
Pilar, 308
Diego, 307
Zoe, 306
Alfonsina, 300
Renata, 297
Clara, 278 (3-way tie)
Liam, 278 (3-way tie)
Sebastián, 278 (3-way tie)
Milagros, 276
Francesca, 271
Fernando, 268
Emily, 265
Enrique, 262
Facundo, 261
Federico, 260 (tie)
Pedro, 260 (tie)
Angel, 258
Bastian, 253
Bruno, 252 (tie)
Martín, 252 (tie)
Alejandra, 251
Carolina, 249 (tie)
Noah, 249 (tie)
Guadalupe, 246
Nicolas, 243
Vicente, 240
Enzo, 235
Salvador, 228
Sebastian, 227
Juana, 225
Valentin, 222
Guillermo, 220
Alma, 218 (tie)
Emanuel, 218 (tie)
Nahuel, 215
Camila, 211 (tie)
Elena, 211 (tie)
Andres, 210
Andrés, 209 (3-way tie)
Benicio, 209 (3-way tie)
Paz, 209 (3-way tie)
Gabriela, 208
Beatriz, 207
Ciro, 206 (tie)
Martin, 206 (tie)
Maite, 203
Andrea, 202
Elizabeth, 200 (tie)
Laura, 200 (tie)
Isabel, 199 (tie)
Mia, 199 (tie)
Luciano, 198
Ismael, 197
Jazmín, 195
Camilo, 194
Marcelo, 192
Franco, 190
Agustin, 189
Alfonso, 187
Aitana, 186 (tie)
Bianca, 186 (tie)
Ramiro, 185
Gustavo, 184
Cataleya, 183
Roberto, 178
Ariel, 176
Lucía, 174
Micaela, 173 (tie)
Ricardo, 173 (tie)
(I went down this far to ensure that at least fifty girl names were included.)
Here are a few names from lower down on the list:
80 babies were named Celeste, which is the nickname of Uruguay’s national soccer team.
73 babies were named Aylen, and roughly two hundred more were given a different spelling of the name (e.g., Ayelen, Aylén, Ayelén, Aylín, Aylin). This is a Mapuche name with several possible meanings, including “ember” and “clear.”
38 babies were named Coromoto, which comes from a Marian title.
15 babies were named Inti, which is the Quechua word for “sun.”
9 babies were named Amaru, which is the Quechua word for “snake.”
8 babies were named Borja, which comes from the name of Spanish saint Francisco de Borja.
7 babies were named Irupé, which is the Guaraní word for the large South American water-lily Victoria cruziana.
5 babies were named Yamandú, which was the name of a historical Guarani chief.
4 babies were named Chiquinquira, which comes from a Marian title.
Two others were named Aurora de la Chiquinquira and Leomarys de la Chiquinquira.
4 babies were named Itanú, which is a Charrúa name said to mean “heartbeat of stone.”
3 babies were named Guidaí, which is the Charrúa word for “moon.”
3 babies were named Tacuabé, which was the name of a historical Charrúa man.
Following the Massacre of Salsipuedes in 1831, Tacuabé and several other Charrúa prisoners were taken to France to be put on exhibition.
2 babies were named Amancay, which is a Quechua word that refers to a lily-like South American flower.
2 babies were named Amapola, which means “poppy” in Spanish.
2 babies were named Atahualpa, which was the name of the last emperor of the Inca.
2 babies were named Everton, which may refer to Everton F.C.
2 babies were named Leunam, which is Manuel spelled backwards.
2 babies were named Pérola, which means “pearl” in Portuguese.
2 babies were named Uruguay.
And, because Uruguay releases all of its baby name data, we can also check out the unique names at the bottom of the list. Here’s a selection Uruguay’s single-use baby names of 2022:
The country of Uruguay, located in the southern region of South America, shares land borders with Argentina and Brazil.
According to Uruguay’s Dirección Nacional de Identificación Civil (DNIC), the most popular baby names in the country in 2021 were María and Juan.
Uruguay’s baby name rankings consist of girl and boy names mixed together on a single list. The data mostly represents first-name usage, but does include some second-name usage as well. (This is because the rankings are created from Uruguayan identity card data, and Uruguayans are permitted to add up to two given names to their ID cards.)
That said, here are Uruguay’s top 100+ baby names of 2021:
María, 1,260 babies
María was used 858 times as a first name and 402 times as a second name.
Juan, 1,023
Juan was used 980 times as a first name and 43 times as a second name.
Benjamín, 925
Maria, 889
Isabella, 798
Mateo, 778
Valentina, 725
Emma, 722
Martina, 706
Catalina, 658
Julieta, 644
Felipe, 631
Sofía, 624
Valentín, 615
Ezequiel, 561
Nicolás, 541
Lorenzo, 535
Emilia, 513
Agustín, 487 (tie)
Bautista, 487 (tie)
Belén, 477
Daniel, 459
Manuel, 450
Alejandro, 433
Santiago, 429
Francisco, 426
Delfina, 422
Lautaro, 421 (tie)
Agustina, 421 (tie)
Santino, 419
Carlos, 417
Lucas, 413
Valentino, 411
Dante, 407
Josefina, 393
Luis, 392
Ignacio, 389 (tie)
Gabriel, 389 (tie)
Joaquín, 385
Olivia, 380
José, 374
Thiago, 359
Emiliano, 352
Gael, 343
Victoria, 341
Francesca, 325
Alberto, 324
Tomás, 318
Sebastián, 315
Renata, 312
David, 308
Jose, 302
Martín, 301
Zoe, 296
Bastian, 290
Samuel, 288
Milagros, 286
Eduardo, 284
Pilar, 280 (tie)
Paulina, 280 (tie)
Bruno, 278
Alexander, 275 (tie)
Ana, 275 (tie)
Clara, 271
Facundo, 267
Emily, 261 (tie)
Pedro, 261 (tie)
Benjamin, 259
Antonio, 257 (tie)
Alfonsina, 257 (tie)
Guadalupe, 255
Sofia, 254 (tie)
Vicente, 254 (tie)
Pablo, 254 (tie)
Federico, 253
Emanuel, 251
Diego, 249
Jorge, 240
Javier, 239
Salvador, 235
Rafael, 230
Fernando, 229
Nahuel, 228
Jazmín, 226
Luciano, 223
Liam, 222
Paz, 218
Camila, 217
Maite, 216
Andrés, 207
Ismael, 206 (tie)
Miguel, 206 (tie)
Alma, 205
Noah, 204
Mía, 203
Lucía, 202 (tie)
Benicio, 202 (tie)
Mia, 201
Franco, 198
Nicolas, 195
Bianca, 194
Isabel, 193
Juana, 191
Camilo, 190
Tadeo, 188
Enzo, 187
Guillermo, 186
Cataleya, 183
Alejandra, 181 (tie)
Sebastian, 181 (tie)
Florencia, 179
Carolina, 175
Enrique, 172
Ramiro, 171
Alfonso, 167
Faustino, 166
Ámbar, 164 (4-way tie)
Beatriz, 164 (4-way tie)
Logan, 164 (4-way tie)
Marcelo, 164 (4-way tie)
Matías, 161 (tie)
Ciro, 161 (tie)
Aitana, 160 (tie)
Antonella, 160 (tie)
Angel, 159 (tie)
Nahitan, 159 (tie)
Nicole, 158
Andrea, 156 (tie)
Elena, 156 (tie)
(I went down this far to ensure that at least fifty girl names were included.)
Here are a few names from lower down on the list:
16 babies were named Tabaré, which was the name of former Uruguayan president Tabaré Vázquez (who died in December of 2020).
Tabaré was given to just 2 babies the year before.
6 were named Atahualpa, which was the name of the last emperor of the Inca.
Atahualpa was given to just one baby the year before.
2 were named Cono, perhaps after St. Cono of Italy.
2 were named Giorgian, which is the first name of Uruguayan soccer player Giorgian de Arrascaeta.
2 were named Pampa, which may refer to the Pampas — the grasslands of South America.
The Spanish word pampa comes directly from the Quechua word pampa, meaning “plain, field.”
And, because Uruguay releases all of its baby name data, we can also check out the unique names at the other end of the spectrum. Here’s a selection Uruguay’s single-use baby names of 2021:
In 2020, the top names in Uruguay were Emma and Juan. (Emma managed to beat María/Maria only because Uruguay counts the accented and unaccented forms of names separately in the rankings.)
Did you know that The Walt Disney Company has a birthday coming up?
On October 16, 2023, Disney will mark its 100th anniversary. (I learned this while working on last month’s post about Davy Crockett.)
Let’s celebrate the upcoming centennial with more than 100 Walt Disney-inspired baby names. Just to make things interesting, all of the names below refer to Disney-related people, places, things, and events from the pre-television era.
Walter, Walt, and Elias Walter, Walt, and Elias for animator and businessman Walter Elias “Walt” Disney, who was born in 1901. His middle name was passed down from his father, Elias C. Disney. Here are the popularity graphs for Walt, Walter, and Elias.
Kaycee Kaycee for Kaycee Studio, Walt’s first animation studio. It was named after its location, Kansas City — “K.C” for short. Here’s the popularity graph for Kaycee.
Newman Newman for the Newman Laugh-o-Grams, Walt’s first animated films, which aired exclusively at the Newman Theater in Kansas City starting in early 1921. Here’s the popularity graph for Newman.
Jack Jack for the Laugh-o-Gram shorts Jack and the Beanstalk and Jack the Giant Killer, both from 1922. Here’s the popularity graph for Jack.
Goldie Goldie for the Laugh-o-Gram short Goldie Locks and the Three Bears, also from 1922. The name Goldie was used again (for an elf) in the future Disney short The Golden Touch (1935). Here’s the popularity graph for Goldie.
Alice Alice for the Alice Comedies, a series of short films in which a live-action girl named Alice interacts with cartoon characters in an animated landscape. The first short, the unfinished Alice’s Wonderland, was created in Kansas City. Here’s the popularity graph for Alice.
Alice in “Alice’s Wild West Show“
In the summer of 1923, after Walt’s second studio (Laugh-o-Gram) went bankrupt, Walt moved to Los Angeles, California.
Margaret Margaret for businesswoman Margaret J. Winkler, who agreed to distribute Walt’s proposed Alice Comedies series. The contract was signed on October 16, 1923. Here’s the popularity graph for Margaret.
Roy Roy for Roy O. Disney, who, with Walt, co-founded the Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio (later The Walt Disney Company) upon the finalization of the distribution deal. Here’s the popularity graph for Roy.
Virginia Virginia for child actress Virginia Davis, who originated the role of Alice. Her family relocated to California so that she could appear in 14 more films. Here’s the popularity graph for Virginia.
Margie and Lois Margie and Lois for child actresses Margie Gay and Lois Hardwick, who played Alice in later films. Here are the popularity graphs for Margie and Lois.
Julius Julius for Julius the Cat, a recurring character in the Alice Comedies. Here’s the popularity graph for Julius.
Pete Pete for Peg Leg Pete, a villain who first appeared in Alice Solves the Puzzle (1925). He has since become Disney’s oldest recurring character. Here’s the popularity graph for Pete.
Kathleen Kathleen for artist Kathleen Dollard, the studio’s first hire. Here’s the popularity graph for Kathleen.
Oswald Oswald for character Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, who was created in 1927 (by Universal Pictures) to star in a new series of animated films, the first 26 of which were animated by Walt’s company. Here’s the popularity graph for Oswald.
Oswald in “Rival Romeos“
In 1928, the businessman who owned the rights to Oswald decided to create his own animation studio and produce the Oswald cartoons himself. He even hired away several of Walt’s animators.
It was a major setback, as Walt’s studio had already created more than two dozen successful Oswald films. But Walt refused to give up. Soon enough, he came up with an idea for a new character — a mouse!
Mickey and Minnie Mickey and Minnie for characters Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse. They technically first appeared in the short Plane Crazy (May 1928), but their first wide-release appearance was in Steamboat Willie. Here are the popularity graphs for Mickey and Minnie
Willie Willie for the short Steamboat Willie (Nov. 1928). One of the first cartoons to synchronize sound and animation, it was an immediate hit. The name Willie was used again in the future Disney short Willie the Operatic Whale (1946). Here’s the popularity graph for Willie.
Charlotte Charlotte for seamstress Charlotte Clark, who designed and sold the first Disney-approved Mickey Mouse dolls. Here’s the popularity graph for Charlotte.
Charlotte Clark doll label
Walt’s studio not only continued making Mickey Mouse films, but also began another series of films, Silly Symphonies, which introduced a slew of new characters.
Horace Horace for character Horace Horsecollar, who first appeared in the short The Plowboy (1929). Here’s the popularity graph for Horace.
Adeline Adeline for “Sweet Adeline,” the song that Mickey (and a pair of alley cats) performed for Minnie in the short The Karnival Kid (1929). Mickey Mouse spoke his first words in this cartoon. Here’s the popularity graph for Adeline.
Clarabelle Clarabelle for Horace’s love interest, Clarabelle Cow, who first appeared in the short The Shindig (1930). Here’s the popularity graph for Clarabelle.
Pluto Pluto for Mickey Mouse’s dog, Pluto the Pup, who first appeared in the short The Chain Gang (1930). His name, inspired by the recently discovered planet Pluto, was first used in The Moose Hunt (1931). Here’s the popularity graph for Pluto.
Vance Vance for actor Vance “Pinto” Colvig, the original voice of both Pluto and Goofy. Here’s the popularity graph for Vance.
Fifi Fifi for Pluto’s love interest, Fifi the Pekingese, who first appeared in the short Puppy Love (1933). Here’s the popularity graph for Fifi.
Donald Donald for character Donald Duck, who first appeared in the short The Wise Little Hen (1934). Here’s the popularity graph for Donald.
Clarence Clarence for actor Clarence Nash, the original voice of Donald Duck. Here’s the popularity graph for Clarence.
Morty and Ferdie Morty and Ferdie for Mickey Mouse’s nephews, Morty and Ferdie Fieldmouse, from the short Mickey’s Steam Roller (1934). Here are the popularity graphs for Morty and Ferdie.
Clara Clara for character Clara Cluck, the operatic chicken who first appeared in the short Orphan’s Benefit (1934). Here’s the popularity graph for Clara.
Peter and Polly Peter and Polly for characters Peter and Polly Penguin from the short Peculiar Penguins (1934). The name Peter was used again in the future Disney short Peter and the Wolf (1946). Here are the popularity graphs for Peter and Polly.
Bianca Bianca for artist Bianca Majolie, the studio’s first female employee in the Story department (as opposed to the Ink and Paint department). Here’s the popularity graph for Bianca.
Max and Toby Max and Toby for characters Max Hare and Toby Tortoise, rivals first featured in the Oscar-winning short The Tortoise and the Hare (1935). Here are the popularity graphs for Max and Toby.
Ambrose (or Butch) Ambrose (or Butch) for the kitten named Ambrose (who aspired to be a bandit called “Butch”) in the short The Robber Kitten (1935). Here are the popularity graphs for Ambrose and Butch.
Jenny Jenny for Donald Duck’s burro, Jenny, who first appeared in the short Mickey’s Polo Team (1936). The name Jenny had also been used in the unrelated 1935 short Who Killed Cock Robin? Here’s the popularity graph for Jenny.
Elmer and Tillie Elmer and Tillie for characters Elmer Elephant and Tillie Tiger from the short Elmer Elephant (1936). The name Elmer had also been used in the unrelated 1934 short Mickey Plays Papa. Here are the popularity graphs for Elmer and Tillie.
Mortimer Mortimer for character Mortimer Mouse from the 1936 short Mickey’s Rival. (Did you know that Walt’s original name for Mickey Mouse was “Mortimer Mouse”? His wife Lillian convinced him to use the name Mickey instead.) Here’s the popularity graph for Mortimer.
Monty and Abner Monty and Abner for characters Monty Citymouse and Abner Countrymouse from the Oscar-winning short The Country Cousin (1936). Here are the popularity graphs for Monty and Abner.
Donna Donna for Donald Duck’s first girlfriend, Donna Duck, from the short Don Donald (1937). Here’s the popularity graph for Donna.
Hortense Hortense for the insatiable ostrich Hortense in the short Donald’s Ostrich (1937). Here’s the popularity graph for Hortense.
Snow Snow for Snow White, the lead character from the studio’s first feature-length film, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937). This was the first animated feature in history “to receive a wide, Hollywood-style release.” Here’s the popularity graph for Snow.
Seven Seven for the seven dwarfs from Snow White. Here’s the popularity graph for Seven.
Marge Marge for dancer Marge Champion, the real-life model for Snow White. She was also the model for other Disney characters, including the Blue Fairy in Pinocchio. Here’s the popularity graph for Marge.
Adriana Adriana for actress and singer Adriana Caselotti, the voice of Snow White. Here’s the popularity graph for Adriana.
Lucille Lucille for actress Lucille La Verne, the voice of the Evil Queen from Snow White. Here’s the popularity graph for Lucille.
Moroni Moroni for actor Moroni Olsen, the voice of the Magic Mirror from Snow White. Here’s the popularity graph for Moroni.
Larry and Frank Larry and Frank for songwriters Larry Morey and Frank Churchill, who created the song “Someday My Prince Will Come” for Snow White. Here are the popularity graphs for Larry and Frank.
Huey, Dewey, and Louie Huey, Dewey, and Louie for Donald Duck’s nephews, who first appeared in the short Donald’s Nephews (1938). Here are the popularity graphs for Huey, Dewey, and Louie.
Tailor Tailor for the Mickey Mouse short Brave Little Tailor (1938). Here’s the popularity graph for Tailor.
Ferdinand Ferdinand for the pacifist bull Ferdinand from the Oscar-winning short Ferdinand the Bull (1938). Here’s the popularity graph for Ferdinand.
Wilbur Wilbur for Goofy’s pet grasshopper, Wilbur, from the short Goofy and Wilbur (1939). Here’s the popularity graph for Wilbur.
Gus Gus for the gluttonous goose Gus in the short Donald’s Cousin Gus (1939). The name Gus was used again (for a mouse) in the future Disney movie Cinderella. Here’s the popularity graph for Gus.
Dickie Dickie for child actor Richard “Dickie” Jones, the voice of the lead character from the studio’s second feature-length film, Pinocchio (1940). Here’s the popularity graph for Dickie.
Blue Blue for the Blue Fairy, the character who brought Geppetto’s puppet to life in Pinocchio. Here’s the popularity graph for Blue.
Evelyn Evelyn for actress Evelyn Venable, the voice of the Blue Fairy from Pinocchio. Here’s the popularity graph for Evelyn.
Cleo Cleo for Geppetto’s pet goldfish, Cleo, from Pinocchio. Here’s the popularity graph for Cleo.
Leigh and Ned Leigh and Ned for songwriters Leigh Harline and Ned Washington, who created the song “When You Wish Upon a Star” for Pinocchio. Here are the popularity graphs for Leigh and Ned.
Cliff Cliff for actor and singer Clifton “Cliff” Edwards, the voice of Jiminy Cricket from Pinocchio. Here’s the popularity graph for Cliff.
Daisy Daisy for Donald Duck’s second girlfriend, Daisy Duck, who first appeared in the short Mr. Duck Steps Out (1940). Here’s the popularity graph for Daisy.
Fantasia Fantasia for the studio’s third feature-length film, Fantasia (1940). The movie’s title comes from the musical term fantasia, which refers to a musical composition without a traditional or fixed form. Here’s the popularity graph for Fantasia.
Fred Fred for animator Fred Moore, who redesigned Mickey Mouse for the character’s feature-length film debut in Fantasia. Here’s the popularity graph for Fred.
Leopold Leopold for conductor Leopold Stokowski, who conducted the classical music in Fantasia. Here’s the popularity graph for Leopold.
Giles Giles for character Sir Giles, the elderly knight from the studio’s fourth feature-length film, The Reluctant Dragon (1941). Here’s the popularity graph for Giles.
Timothy Timothy for the character Timothy Q. Mouse from the studio’s fifth feature-length film, Dumbo (1941). Here’s the popularity graph for Timothy.
Bambi and Faline Bambi and Faline for characters Bambi and Faline from the studio’s sixth feature-length film, Bambi (1942). Here are the popularity graphs for Bambi and Faline.
Tyrus Tyrus for Chinese-American animator Tyrus Wong, whose sketches inspired the impressionistic style of Bambi. Here’s the popularity graph for Tyrus.
Retta Retta for animator Retta Scott, the first female animator to receive screen credit on a Disney animated feature (Bambi). Here’s the popularity graph for Retta.
José José for character José Carioca, the dapper parrot who first appeared in the studio’s seventh feature-length film, Saludos Amigos (1943). Here’s the popularity graph for José.
Pedro Pedro for character Pedro, the anthropomorphic mail plane from Saludos Amigos. Here’s the popularity graph for Pedro.
Chip and Dale Chip and Dale for characters Chip and Dale, the mischievous chipmunks who first appeared in the short Private Pluto (1943). Here are the popularity graphs for Chip and Dale.
Pablo Pablo for character Pablo, the warmth-seeking penguin from the studio’s ninth feature-length film, The Three Caballeros (1945). Here’s the popularity graph for Pablo.
Pauline Pauline for character Pauline from the short Duck Pimples (1945). Here’s the popularity graph for Pauline.
Cedric and Esmeralda Cedric and Esmeralda for characters Cedric and Esmeralda from the short A Knight for a Day (1946). Here are the popularity graphs for Cedric and Esmeralda.
Henry and Grace Henry and Grace for characters Henry and Grace, the feuding newlyweds from the studio’s 10th feature-length film, Make Mine Music (1946). Here are the popularity graphs for Henry and Grace.
Lulubelle Lulubelle for character Lulubelle from the studio’s 12th feature-length film, Fun and Fancy Free (1947). Here’s the popularity graph for Lulubelle.
Anita Anita for singer Anita Gordon, the voice of the Golden Harp in Fun and Fancy Free. Here’s the popularity graph for Anita.
Alfred and Elma Alfred and Elma for husband-and-wife wildlife filmmakers Alfred and Elma Milotte, who created Disney’s True-Life Adventures documentary series, starting with the Oscar-winning On Seal Island (1948). Here are the popularity graphs for Alfred and Elma.
Jeremiah Jeremiah for character Jeremiah Kincaid from the studio’s 14th feature-length film, So Dear to My Heart (1949). Here’s the popularity graph for Jeremiah.
Danny Danny for Jeremiah’s pet lamb, Danny, from So Dear to My Heart (1949). The lamb was named after champion racehorse Dan Patch. Here’s the popularity graph for Danny.
Bobby Bobby for child actor Robert “Bobby” Driscoll, who played Jeremiah in So Dear to My Heart. Bobby also played the part of Jim in Treasure Island. Here’s the popularity graph for Bobby.
Luana Luana for child actress Luana Patten, who played Tildy in So Dear to My Heart. Here’s the popularity graph for Luana.
Marceline Marceline for the town of Marceline, Missouri. Though set in Indiana, So Dear to My Heart was strongly influenced by Walt’s childhood experiences in Marceline. Here’s the popularity graph for Marceline.
Melody Melody for the studio’s 13th feature-length film, Melody Time (1948). Here’s the popularity graph for Melody.
Bill and Sue Bill and Sue for characters Pecos Bill and Slue-Foot Sue from Melody Time. Here are the popularity graphs for Bill and Sue.
Angus and Thaddeus Angus and Thaddeus for characters Angus MacBadger and J. Thaddeus Toad from the studio’s 15th feature-length film, The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad (1949). Here are the popularity graphs for Angus and Thaddeus.
Brom and Katrina Brom and Katrina for characters Brom Bones and Katrina Van Tassel, also from The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad. Here are the popularity graphs for Brom and Katrina.
Cinderella Cinderella for the lead character from the studio’s 16th feature-length film, Cinderella (1950). Here’s the popularity graph for Cinderella.
Ilene Ilene for actress and singer Jacqueline Ruth “Ilene” Woods, the voice of Cinderella. Here’s the popularity graph for Ilene.
Verna Verna for actress Verna Felton, the voice of the Fairy Godmother from Cinderella. Here’s the popularity graph for Verna.
Treasure Treasure for the studio’s 17th feature-length film, Treasure Island (1950). This was Disney’s first entirely live-action movie. Here’s the popularity graph for Treasure.
Jim Jim for character Jim Hawkins from Treasure Island. Here’s the popularity graph for Jim.
Humphrey Humphrey for character Humphrey the Bear, who first appeared in the short Hold That Pose (1950). Here’s the popularity graph for Humphrey.
Disney’s pre-television era ended in December of 1950, when NBC aired Walt Disney’s first TV production — a Christmas special called One Hour in Wonderland, hosted by Walt himself.
Which of the names above do you like best?
P.S. Today happens to be the 68th anniversary of Disneyland, which opened in 1955 on July 17.
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Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features.
Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors.
Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc.
Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads.