Baby name story: Linda Ann


The 1940s baby named Linda from the other day reminded me of another 1940s baby named Linda:

On July 31, 1944, a baby named Linda Ann was born to parents Manuel and Ida Bonito of San Jose. “The baby was named after the airplane on which an uncle, Frank Bonito, a member of the Army Air Forces, is serving.”

Baby Linda’s 20-year-old identical twin brothers, Lester and Lawrence, were also in the service at the time she was born.

Source: “Baby Sister Greeted by Twin Soldiers.” San Jose Evening News 9 Aug. 1944: 1.

Image: Adapted from Air Canada Boeing 777-333ER by MarcusObal under CC BY-SA 3.0.

11 thoughts on “Baby name story: Linda Ann

  1. I think this story is so cute and touching. I was married to Leslie R Anderson nephew of Uncle Manuel and Aunt Ida. I still have newspaper clippings of Lester and Laurence’s during WWll. I’m going to have to figure out how to fit this baby in the family tree for our son Sean Michael.

  2. “Sweet LaRhonda” was my Dad’s airplane. It was assigned to the 303rd Bomb Group (H) and the 359th squadron. My daswas H.Clifton Miller and he was the engineer. He was from Fort Worth, TX. The plane was named for the pilots wife. This airplane survived all of its missions and was scrapped after the war.

  3. I have a photo of the Linda Ann II, it is the original…My great grandfather Arlie Gibson is standing below it with his hand on it. I have about 15 original photos from WWII some with other men and even one of him standing on a German plane!!

  4. Allen I would like to get more details of the Sweet LaRhonda and her crew! Having a name like LaRhonda – and being the only LaRhonda around growing up I have become kinda obssessed with her and her stories…… please contact me at

  5. My Grandfather flew a C-47 named Linda Anne 13 into Normandy & Bastone.
    My mtother was born 1940
    His C-47 was Gen. Hodges entourage and a jeep named Linda Anne

  6. Al Kenney. I think my dad Kenneth Tilley flew with your grandfather. My dad was in the same place and in same plane. I remember the name Hodges. My daddy was looking for him before he died. What a sweet memory. Plane n Jeep names Linda Ann

  7. Al Kenney. My daddy flew with your grandfather. My name is Linda Ann. He flew same places on c47. He spoke of your dad often. My dad’s name was Kenneth Tilley. Please respond.

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