Baby name story: Skylar


Samantha Wittstruck of Wadena, Minnesota, was one month pregnant when a powerful EF4 tornado struck Wadena back on June 17.

She was “knocked cold” during the storm, and “woke up with a cow on top of her.”

The baby was unharmed, thankfully, and just days ago Samantha gave birth to a little girl — the first baby born in Wadena in 2011, in fact. The baby was named Skylar.

We figured ‘Sky’ was too short, so we chose Skylar. It was a big part of her life and she survived it.

I’m glad they were able to distill that dangerous/bizarre experience into a usable name.

Skylar ranked 185th for baby girls and 497th for baby boys in the U.S. in 2009. It’s based on the Dutch surname Schuyler, which refers to a scholar or a school teacher.

Source: New baby survived twister, crashing cow

4 thoughts on “Baby name story: Skylar

  1. Whew.

    Schuyler is a popular name in my husband’s family tree. I prefer the traditional spelling…and for boys…

  2. I just read this and yes I am very glad we came up with a normal name for our daughter Skylar!! Those names are absolutely awful! My mother mentioned naming her Stormy!! Haha

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