Eleven of NASA’s Apollo space flights were manned flights. According to what I’ve been able to find in old newspapers, at least three of these flights — 8, 11, and 12 — inspired baby names.
Apollo 8
The Apollo 8 flight took place from December 21 to December 27, 1968, and involved three astronauts: Frank Borman, James A. Lovell, Jr., and William A. Anders.
At least one baby was named for the Apollo 8 crew…
William James Frank Noel Hopmans, a baby boy born in Holland.
The baby’s parents decided to name him after America’s three Apollo 8 astronauts and Noel for Christmas. He was born on Christmas Eve.
Apollo 11
The Apollo 11 flight took place from July 16 to July 24, 1969, and involved three astronauts: Neil A. Armstrong, Michael Collins, and Edwin E. “Buzz” Aldrin, Jr. This was the famous flight that brought mankind to the moon for the first time in history.
Babies named for the Apollo 11 crew include…
Apollo Selim, a baby boy born in Lebanon.
Beirut, Lebanon – A couple in Fadhous village north of here named their new baby Apollo Selim. He’s their 11th child, born on the day of the Apollo 11 moonshot.
Neil Armstrong Dial, a baby boy born in Washington state at 1:17 p.m., the minute the Apollo 11 astronauts landed on the moon.
Within minutes of Neil Dial’s birth, virtually everyone in the moonstruck maternity ward that Sunday afternoon was eagerly suggesting that Dallas and Patricia Dial name their son “Lunar” or “Apollo.”
“But the PR types, they came in and said we ought to name our son ‘Neil Armstrong,’ Dallas Dial happily recalled last week during an interview at his Edmonds home. “They were even filling out the birth certificate as ‘Neil Armstrong Dial.’ So we went along with it.”
Michael Edwin Neil Harkness, a baby boy born in Columbia, S.C., on July 21.
He is named for all three members of the Apollo 11 moon team.
Neil Armstrong Moon, a baby boy born near Toledo, Ohio, on July 21.
Mrs. Delmar Moon gave birth to a boy only hours before lunar astronauts blasted off the moon headed for earth.
Luna, a baby girl born in Singapore a “half hour after lunar landing.”
Apollo, a baby boy born in Pakistan.
Armstrong Abdurahman Osman, a baby boy born in Somalia.
Parents of baby boy born on lunar landing day broke with Muslim tradition and named child Armstrong Abdurahman Osman.
We can even see the influence of the Apollo 11 mission in the U.S. baby name data.
Apollo 12
The Apollo 12 flight took place from November 14 to November 24, 1969, and involved three astronauts: Charles Conrad, Jr., Richard F. Gordon, Jr., and Alan L. Bean.
At least one baby was named for the Apollo 12 crew…
Charles Richard Alan Wilson, a baby boy born in Baltimore just as the Apollo 12 astronauts were lifting off.
The news was radioed up to the spaceship just after Charles Conrad Jr., Richard F. Gordon Jr. and Alan L. Bean woke up late Monday afternoon. “There’s a new baby boy, born to a Baltimore mother at the precise time of your liftoff,” spacecraft communicator Paul Weitz said. “His name is Charles Richard Alan. Wilson is the last name.”
Do you know of any other people named for Apollo astronauts (or any other astronaut, for that matter)? I’d love to hear about them. Please leave a comment.
- The Apollo Missions – NASA
- “Baby Named After Apollo Spacemen.” Los Angeles Times 18 Nov. 1969: 21.
- “Baby Named Apollo.” Palm Beach Post 20 Jul. 1969: B2.
- “Baby Named for Spacemen.” Reading Eagle 31 Dec. 1968: 10.
- Conklin, Ellis E. “‘Moon Baby’ made feet-first landing.” Deseret News 21 Jul. 1994: 21.
- “Palmetto baby gets moon men’s names.” Washington Afro-American 29 Jul. 1969: 5.
- “Weekly Almanac.” Jet 14 Aug. 1969: 30-31.
- Astronauts and Aeronautics, 1969 – NASA (PDF)
Hi. My name is Aldrin Armstrong Collins Wilding-West. I was born July 22 1969 in Suffolk, England, and given the first names Aldrin and Armstrong, celebrating Neil and Buzz walking on the moon. I have since added Collins to ensure that Michael is also remembered in my name :) and of course, being a West and marrying my beautiful wife who is a Wilding, we just had to hyphenate our surname!
@Aldrin – I love that you added Collins. :) Thanks for sharing your name story!
You’re WELCOME, Nancy. Enjoyed your informative site :)
I was 12 at the time of Apollo 11 and I remember it well. A news item I remember from the time said that a woman in Jordan was giving birth to her 11th child and named it Apollo Eleven. However I asked on a website called Quora whether anyone else remembered this and someone posted a link to your site which mentions baby Apollo Selim in Lebanon. I don’t know whether these are 2 different babies or possible the news item I remember got the country wrong. I thought maybe “Selim” is Arabic for “Eleven” but that’s “ahd eshr”.
@Chris – You’ve got a good memory! But we now have a mystery on our hands.
TIME magazine had this to say about the baby I mentioned in the post: “In Beirut on the morning of launch, a woman gave birth to her eleventh child — and promptly named him Apollo Eleven Salim.”
My original source did not mention “Eleven” being part of the name, and had “Selim” in place of “Salim.” As of right now, I don’t know which source is more accurate.